Day 21: Letter to someone you judged by their first impression

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This one goes out to my best friend!

Math class, 9th Grade.  Mr. Perry.  You remember?

My first impression of you was that you were exactly like I used to be!  Made jokes that never really made sense, and weren't all that funny.  You were loud.  I could tell that you just wanted to be seen, a lot like me.  

Those first few weeks, I tried to ignore you, I'll be completely honest.  You even annoyed me at one point.  You'd follow me after class, trying to talk to me, and I just wouldn't respond.  Dang, I was mean.

But hey, look at us now!  Well, not RIGHT now, seeing as you've moved to Nevada, but our relationship.  We're freaking best friends!  We have a mutual sense of humor that no one else understands, and I can talk to you about things that I really can't talk to anyone else about.  We text every day, about problems at home and with our friends, school troubles, work laughs, (we both work at the same store in two different states.  Coincidence?  I think NOT!), trials of our Faith and the stories to how we stayed strong.  We've both grown up so much.  And look at that kid that annoyed me when I first met him now?   Dude, you have a GIRLFRIEND!  And she's freaking HOT!  'Member that night after my ex dumped me and the girl you like bailed?  When we just sat on the couch, a bottle of Mountain Dew and a bag of chips each, convinced that we were never going to find a girl who would stay with us?

That was one of the last nights before you left!  I won't forget it.  Even though we only see each other once every six months or so, we just pick up right where we left off for the few weeks you're in town.  We hang out with girls, go see movies, (you better be in town when the next Hobbit comes out, I'm counting on dressing up as Gandalf and Bilbo,) we hit McDonalds like we always did, we play Xbox and rage at one another, and manly movie nights for DAYS.  

I miss you, dude.

I'm sorry that I misjudged you, and I'm so glad you didn't give up on trying to be my friend.

My life wouldn't be the same without you.  You've influenced me in ways that you may never comprehend.

Your bro,


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