Day 7: Letter to my Ex

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Dear Ex,

I'm not exactly sure what exactly I want to say to you.  One part of me wants to be mad, to tell you how much it hurt when you ignored me for a week before you broke up with me, when any time I'd try to talk to you during the day, you'd just be rude to me, when I wanted to try and fix what was wrong in our relationship, you'd just reject it, when you knew you were hurting me, but you did it anyways.

But another part of me wants to thank you.  Thank you for making my life so awesome for those four months.  I felt like I didn't have a care in the world for a while, because I had you.  Out of the billions of people in this world, you chose me, and to me, that was enough to live for.  You were there for me whenever I needed it, and that was so special to me.

But you threw it all away, and I'm not exactly sure how to think about what you did to me... what you KNOW you did to me, and it seems like you just don't care.

I want to know what to think about you.

I talked to you about a week ago for the first time in months, and it turns out that you're not doing so great.  That makes me very sad.  I mean, just because I'm not your boyfriend anymore doesn't mean that I don't care about you anymore.  I just hope that if there's any way I can help you, you'll tell me.

I miss you.  


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