Day 16: Someone in a different State/Country

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Two years.  Two years!!!  Can you believe it?

We met on Spring Break.  I dunno, maybe it was a coincidence that my Spring Break was on the exact same date as yours, and maybe it was a coincidence that we stayed in the same small city, at the same resort.  

But I don't think it was!!!

We kissed the first day we met.  I can honestly say, I have never fallen so hard for someone so quickly.  I remember that entire day as if it were yesterday.  We met, played at the playground as if we were kids again, watched Reba, where we first kissed, went swimming, and laid out, staring at the stars, telling stories about them, like they had lives of their own.

Two years ago.  Two years!

And I still think about you every day!  We've drifted in and out of friendship over the time we've been apart, but, now that I'm old enough, I finally get to come up and see you again this summer.  I can't wait!!

Life has been hard for both of us.  Every month or so, we have a phone conversation that lasts for hours, talking about everything that has happened.  It's always laced with "I miss you," and always ends with, "I love you."  Because I do love you, and I have since the day I met you.

We knew one another for one day.  ONE DAY.  And here we are, over seven hundred and thirty times that later, and I still find myself unable to get you out of my mind.  It's like a movie.

Well, gotta go.  See you this Summer!  I miss you, and I love you! :)

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