Day 1: Letter to my best friend.

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What's up, dude???

It's been a long time since you've moved to Nevada, but it doesn't seem to be getting any harder for us to stay in touch.  I mean, for real... Xbox LIVE is a blessing to the world.

Well, I'm sorry about your almost-girlfriend.  That's rough.  Hey, she wasn't worth it... in fact, she was completely crazy.  Don't give up on girls just yet, bro, cause there's one out there who friggin needs you.  No, I don't know what her name is, so don't ask me that.

You're so awesome, have I ever told you that?  You put up with my crap for so long two years ago, when I was more immature than... you know, pretty much anyone.  I'm sorry that I was a little bit rude to you when I first met you, I honestly don't know why I was, but I'm glad you stuck with me through that.  You've always been there for me when the going got tough... especially when Kyra broke up with me.  That was tough.  

Whenever I made a really stupid mistake, you were there to comfort me and console me, and you even put up with a few tears, but you were also there to let me know that what I did was wrong.  Thank you for that.

Sometimes I wish I could tell you how sorry I am about your parents' divorce, but I feel like it'd be awkward, and I have noticed that it hurts for you to talk about it, even after it has been a fact for quite some time.  I wish that I could relate to you, that I could understand your situation better, but I just can't.  I live in a very stable family, and you live in a broken one.  I know how much it hurts you, and I wish there was some way that I could help, some way that I could console you.  But there's not.

I can't believe how strong you've stayed through this.  I'm sure you've had many opportunities to ease your own pain through drugs, alcohol, or sex, but you haven't partaken in any of those things, and for that, I admire you.  

Stay strong always.

Your best friend,


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