Day 6: Letter to a Stranger

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We've never met, I'm not sure if we ever will.  But if you are reading this, you are most likely the stranger this letter is dedicated to.

You were born into this world for a purpose.  You may not have realized exactly what that purpose is yet, but there is one.  You've made it this far in life, and if you're still here, then there is still something that you have to do.

You are loved.  Though you may not see it in the people around you, it is there, and if it's not, let me make it up to you.  I love you, even though I may not know you, because I believe that everyone that is living deserves to feel love.  I don't care what you look like, how you act, what you say, how you say it, what religion you are, what ethnicity you are, how pretty you are, how nice you act toward others, I don't care.  You deserve love as much as I do, because you are just as human as I am.  I love you.

You may have a lot of things that are seeming to go wrong in your life.  Believe me, I've experienced that.  You may become so stressed that if one thing goes wrong, it's like your world is crashing down around you.  I have also experienced that.  Do you want it to go away?  Here's a piece of advice.

Focus on the good.  You have a roof over your head and food on the table.  You have a life.  Is that enough to be thankful for?

You'll be amazed at how focusing on the positive can turn your entire life around.  You will feel happier than ever.  Life will become... easy, believe it or not.

Believe me.

I know. :)

With affection,


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