Day 17: Letter to Someone from your Childhood

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It has been a long time, yes?

We had some good times together, we really did!  Building fortresses in that wierd storage area that was barely tall enough for us to run around in, and the adults couldn't find us.  We'd play 'House' together.  You were always the mommy, and my role varied, depending on the day.  I always had so much fun.

I haven't seen you in a few years, now!  We reconnect on Facebook from time to time, but I haven't actually seen you since our families had that little reunion a while back.  That was fun!  And DANG, you got pretty, girl!  We've moved on from building forts and playing house, of course.  You're on cheer squad at a different school, I write stories and poetry.  We've become very different.  But our memories will never change!

I love ya.  You truly are awesome!


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