Cruel reality

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"Yuu-kun!" Yoichi ran towards me and climbed on the bed to hug me tightly. The others were happy too when they see i'm safe and sound. Even Kimizuki came gave me a light punch on my shoulder saying that i had them all worried. Mika was sitting on a chair at the other side of the bed. "It's good to have you back Yuu-san. Kimizuki kept bugging us like a maniac mother who lost her son for days." Shinoa elbowed Kimizuki. "Did not." He retort back at her and we laughed.

"By the way. Where have you been?" Mitsuba asked and sit at the edge of the bed. Mika and i made eye contact and nodded. "I have something to discuss. Lend me your ears for a moment." As Mika explained everything that happened excluding the sex of course. My friends were surprized to know about it. "So you're saying that you want us to help you?" Kimizuki asked and Mika nodded. "I understand. We'll help you out. For Yuu-kun sake." Yoichi held my hand with a smile. "Sure thing. All we have to do follow the plan and search for the traitor." Mitsuba clenched her hands into a fist.

"But safety first. We have to watch each others back okay. Since the traitor live the same roof as us, i'm not surprise they'll be going for a surprise attack." Shinoa said. "I have a plan." I said and everyone stared at me disbelieve. "You have a plan? Since when you started to use your idiotic brain?" Kimizuki  asked and i hit his back. "Shut up telephone pole!" I scoff and started to tell them my plan.

"That's a good idea Yuu-chan." Mika held my hand and i smiled at him. "Well then cherry boy finally makes himself smart once in a while." Shinoa snickered covered her mouth with her hand. "Can't you just leave me alone!" I was about to get up but i groaned when i remembered i'm still sore. "Yuu-kun are you okay? I thought you don't have any injury." Yoichi asked worriedly. "Yuu-chan just stay put or you'll going to make it worse. I'll go get you some water." Mika stood then walked out of the room. Uhh okay? It's my butt that sore not my throat.

"Ahhh shit my butt feel sore." I groaned and pinch at the bridge of my nose. "You had sex." Mitsuba said and i blushed including Yoichi. "Wh-what. How did you-" "How did i know? The moment i entered the room i smell sex in the air. You should opened the window before you let other people in." Mitsuba shook her head. "Huh. No wonder i smell something odd just then." Kimizuki shrugged. "Oh boy! So Yuu-san how does it feel like to have sex with the prince?" Shinoa climbed on the bed and crawled to get near me. "But Yuu-kun, are you two a couple now?" Yoichi asked and i looked down.

We did those things but i didn't confess and there will never be love in return. "Um it's just one sided. For me being with him is enough. I couldn't ask for anything more." I said while i'm clearly feel down about it. "I don't get it. He knew that you like him and i know for sure he feel the same way about you. I mean the way he look at you. There's so much love Yuu-san." Shinoa poked my cheek. Kimizuki was quiet for a moment, obviously thinking about something. "Oh.. i think he's the type of-" before Kimizuki able to finish, Mika opened the door with a cup of water in his hand. "I'm sorry you have to wait Yuu-chan. Here, drink this water later okay." Mika place the water on the nightstand but i heard he whispered 'don't drink it' to me. I was confused why would he bring me a drink and told me not to drink it.

"Now i spread the news that Yuu-chan is here, just wait until the traitor come to search for Yuu-chan. As planned earlier, when he's alone make sure one person hide and spy. While the others do your tasks as usual because i don't want to make it obvious." Mika said and we nodded. As they were about to head out, Mika asked for a group hug as thanks for helping out but he leaned too close to Kimizuki. I wonder what's that all about.

It has been hours but there is no sign of them. Mika said he have something to do. The only person with me in this room is Kimizuki who was sitting on the chair that Mika sat earlier. "This traitor must be good at acting. He blend in with everyone too well. I wonder who is it?" I said and Kimizuki just humned. "Oh i'm talking to a rock now?" I asked and he close my mouth with his large hand. "Quiet. Someone is coming." He spoke. We hear footsteps then it stop in front of my room. Kimizuki quickly ran to hide.

As the door opened, i gulped and i didn't realize i was holding my breath. "Yo! I heard you finally came back." Crowley entered the room and locked the door. Why did he locked the door for? "Man you had me worried over you." He walked towards me. "You were?" I asked. "Yeah. Worried if you find out who is the traitor!" He suddenly pulled out a knife from his pocked and charged at me. "Yuu!" Kimizuki grabbed the glass of water earlier and splash it Crowley's face. He screamed in agony and holding his face. "Shit!" Kimizuki grabbed at the back of his collar and dragged Crowley at the window and pushed him hard until Crowley fell outside the window.

"What the fuck you don't have to kill the guy! From this height he will surely die!" I shouted. "That's the point. He was trying to kill you! It's either kill or be killed moron!" He shouted back. I pouted and looked away. He has a point there. Who knew the traitor would be Crowley. He looked energetic and so kind. "I didn't know get splash by water could hurt so much though." I said. "It was acid." He said and i became tense. "Acid?" I asked and he nodded.

"Prince Mikaela knew there  was somebody else near this room few minutes after we got in here. He was hiding at the ceiling while we were discussing our plan. Did you remember he wanted a group hug? Well it wasn't, he actually told us change of plan and told us to protect ourselves. From there we knew something wasn't right. But then he told me to splash it at the traitor. I was confused at first but now i get it. He wasn't actually get you a drink. It was an acid from the start." Kimizuki said.

"Oh no wonder he whispered not to drink it." I glanced at the empty glass. "He's a smart guy to noticed it fast. Now i'm going to help the others" he opened the door but i stopped him. "What do you mean? The traitor is already dead." I pointed at where Crowley fell. "Yuu. There's more than one traitor here. That's why the prince told us to protect ourselves. You stay here because the other enemies might think that Crowley successfully kill you." He said and locked the door from the outside. More than one? Mika is in danger.

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