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Avoiding. That's all i could ever do for the time being. From who you say? From Mika. Its been days i avoided him except when i was doing my work but i did it as fast as i could before he could ask me anything. I looked up at the sky and sighed. What we both did yesterday was not categorize as friend. I see him more than a friend but he thinks of me that way. I didn't dare to confess because it's not my position to do so. And he has a fiancee.

Talking about fiancee, i'm currently sitting next to her at the garden. Akane is nice and way to persistant sometimes but she means well. She was humming while making a flower crown. If i were a girl would i have a chance on dating the prince? Nah i would be a normal villager just like anybody else. Even though Akane is Mika's fiancee, i can't seem to hate her for it. She's nice and all so why would i hate her.

"You seems to be deep in thought Yuu." Akane said without looking at me. "I am?" I asked and she nodded. "Yeah." She replied. "Nothing for you to worry about." I said. When she finished her flower crown, she was thrilled and she placed it on my head. "Awh cute!" She clasp her hands together. "Oi i'm not cute!" I denied and she chuckled. She scooted close to me and rest her head on my shoulder. My body went tense at first then i calm down.

"Ne Yuu. I um.." she mumbled then continue. "I like you." She confessed and i froze by her words. Did she just confessed? She did didn't she? "Akane.. i uh. I'm sorry. It's not like i don't like you but you're Mika's fiancee." I turned her down and she frowned. "I don't like Mika that way and he doesn't like me. We look at each other as siblings Yuu. Our parent wanted us to get marry and neither of us has any problem with that because we trust each other. It was not out of love and it will never be." Akane said and i didn't know what to say.

I suddenly remembered what Mika said yesterday. 'She's my fiancee. What about it?' The way he said it casually was because he actually doesn't like her. Does that mean i have a chance. Wait no Yuu. You're a servant. I narrowed my eyes. "Yuu... do you perhaps have a crush on someone?" She asked and i felt heat went up to my cheeks. Her eyes widened then hung her head down. "I'll take that as a yes." She said. Her voice was shaky trying to hold back her cry.

"Akane." I took the flower crown from my head and place it on hers instead. She was surprise then look back up at me with teary eyes. "I'm sorry Akane.. It would be a waste for someone as pretty and kind like you to be with me. I'm sure somewhere out there a guy will love you. Cherish you and will take care of you." I wiped away her tears with my thumb and she hiccuped.

"You like Mika don't you?" She said and i blushed. "A-about that it was one-sided." I stuttered and she muttered something i couldn't hear. "What was that?" I asked and she shook her head and smiled. She wiped away her tears and stood up. "Well i have to head back home. Thanks for hearing me out Yuu. I'll see you next time." She gave me a peck on my cheek then ran away. Guilt. I feel guilty all over. So this is what it feels like to reject someone.


Mika p.o.v

She kissed his cheek than ran away. I gripped the curtain closed the window. What were they doing? Why did Akane kissed Yuu-chan? Questions filled up my mind then suddenly there's a knock on the door to my room. It was Lacus who poked his head in to look at me.

"Princess Akane will head home soon Mika." He said and i raised my eyebrow. "Why so sudden?" I asked. "I don't know. The moment she came to us, her face was red and crying. She said something like 'Mika is an idiot'." Lacus said and i shrugged. "By the way why so dark in here?" He walked towards the window and pulled the curtains. "Oh.. i think it was a confession" he said and my head snapped towards his direction. "What are you implying?" I said and he pointed out at the window. "Yuu is there and Akane ran towards us from the garden." He said and i snorted.

"So what about it?" I asked. "I figure that he rejected her that's all." He said and still look out at the window and i sighed in relieved. "And? What does it have to do with me?" I said and he turned to stare at me with a knowing look. "Don't act dumb. You're among the smartest people i ever know. You know he likes you and you play it cool and treat him like a 'friend'" Lacus said and i glared at him. "Shut up Lacus. How did you know?" I growled. "Woah relax i'm not mad or anything. Actually i didn't know about you guys but you gave me away your answer. So it's true." He said.

I let my guard down. He may be my friend but sometimes i forgot how he use sneaky tricks to get answers. He's smart i gave him that. "If it makes you feel better, the whole servants knew he has a crush on you. It was obvious. And here i thought at first he's going to betray or hurt you. But looking at him now it seems he won't hurt a fly." He cackled and i pinched my temple.

"You know Mika. The way you treat him was no different than Ferid-" "Don't you fucking dare say his name again Lacus Welt." I warned him and he rolled his eyes. "I was just saying. You can play your little game and act nice in front of him but it won't last forever. I'm afraid if Yuu and his friends gonna get it back at you. Eventhough it seem that they won't do anything but you'll never know." He walked towards the door and turned back at me.

"Mika. It's not wrong to accept what you're feeling." He said and i rolled my eyes. "I am accepting it." I said. "Then? You're just gonna keep quiet and leading him on? I think he will never confess unless you do it first." He said. "Oh since when you're on his side?" I asked and he shrugged. "I'm not." Lacus closed the door and i heard his footsteps faded away. "You know nothing Lacus." I muttered. Nothing.

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