Chapter 4 🔥 Crucial Heart

Start from the beginning

"Aldrik? Aldrik! Where are you?" She shouted in despair but she was also vanishing herself.

As she was fading she saw the tall man smile at her direction and disappeared. Not long after, Pearl's voice rang inside her head.  .  .

You should have hold each other's hand. Now Aldrik will also be as lost as your lover.


Venus started to stir awake. Her eyes fluttered open and was surprised to see a rocky ceiling.

"Thank Goddess you're finally awake," Marcus' worried voice penetrated her ears. When her vision focused, she looked at his handsome face with relief, happy that he was safe. As usual, passing out was her favorite thing to do but at least this time it wasn't only her.

He helped her up and soon she saw Aldrik standing at the other side sending daggers at them. It seemed that the two were awake long before she did.

"A-ldrik? Please listen to me. Come to your senses. This isn't you." Vee tried to persuade him while busily looking around the cave for any sign of presence but there was none. She remembered the place and slowly her memory comes back to her.

The pull! The word rung inside her head.

She remembered it all. The moment she left the Academy. It was all part of the trial. Now that they were back inside the cave, she wondered if it was all over. Did she pass or fail? Only one way to find out, calling the pull out seemed to be the best way to know.

She took a breath and exhaled a long raspy breath preparing herself to shout on top of her lungs.

"You will never choose me, aren't you?" Aldrik spoke to her before she could even do what she planned on doing.

Vee looked at his direction with sadness in her eyes, "Aldrik, trust me. It will all be over soon. I'm sorry I suck in following instructions. You wouldn't have suffered emotionally like this if only I held your hand."

Now that she thinks of it, maybe it was the reason why she wasn't given any manual at most times—because they freaking knew she wouldn't have followed anyway.

Gosh! How stupid can I get. She scolded herself.

"Ahhh! I can't let you do this. I'd better die if I can't have you anyway."

Aldrik suddenly run amok shouting and punching the cave wall with his bare hands. Soon he was bloody already—red blotches splattering everywhere—but Aldrik didn't seem himself, continuing self-harm. It's only a matter of time that something serious could happen to him.

"Do something, Vee or I will be forced to go to him myself to stop him." Marcus said. 

He was having a hard time holding himself still, itching to run to his friend and help. He had to because he knew it wasn't the best idea. It could worsen the case since he was the last person Aldrik wanted to see now and definitely, the guy was out for his blood.

Be brave little one.  .  .
Make a wish for each sad little tear. .  .

"What the heck are you doing, Vee?" Marcus whispered to her while cringing.

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