Happy Birthday Lauren!

Start from the beginning

The final bell rang and I leaped out of my seat and rushed out the door. As I was passing Lauren's locker I noticed something written on an envelope. I stopped to pick it up, I opened the card and what it said baffled my mind.

Dear Lauren,
You think you're so innocent? I know the real you, I know about the secrets that you try to hide about your home life. I know what happens at your house, about how your aunt hits you and that her profession is a stripper. Ha! You better watch your step and stay away from my boyfriend or I'll let the entire school know about the real you and everything about your aunt will be exposed and your sweet little good girl act will no longer define you. I know the truth about you and it's time everyone else does too. I will make your life a living hell if you continue to see my boyfriend, I mean after all, I've done it camp, why not make it even worse here?

"Luke, whatcha—" I looked up, it was Lauren clutching her history textbook, she had her hood on, I couldn't see her face.

"Lauren let me explain. I'm sorry I was looking at this it was none of my business and I was dumb to do so, but you should see this" I handed her the note. Within a few seconds Lauren let out a small gasp and the note fell to the floor.

"Gods no. This can't be real." She whispered, keeping her eyes n the ground.

"How does she even know? None of my siblings have ever mentioned it to anyone. The rest of our friend ground doesn't even know." I pondered, how could she have known that?

"I don't know Luke. Maybe she followed me home and saw it happen, I don't know but so,show she does and what if it gets out? I don't want people to know about that part of my life." She kept her head down and I could hear her voice change as she held back the tears.

"Lauren, look at me, please." I reached my hand up to take off her hood of her grey sweater.

"No, I just wanna go home." Lauren shoved me off.

I grabbed her shoulders and spun her around her face was bruised with splotches of red. "Who did this?" I demanded.

"It doesn't matter. Luke, please leave me alone." I could hear the tears in her voice.

"Yes it does matter, who did this?" I asked more sternly this time.

"Hey Laur, you ready to...what happened to you?" Troy asked.

"It doesn't matter." Lauren raised her voice.

This time Troy let it out, "yes it does matter because you got beat up. Who did this!?"

"Yeah, who was it, They'll be sorry they ever messed with you." I joined in with Troy.

"Who'll be sorry?" I heard Ruth and Marcus ask.

"Oh my gods, Lauren, what happened?" Ruth ran over to her and threw her arms around Lauren.

"Who was it Laur? Who was the asshole that did this to you?" Marcus clenched fists.

"It was Chandler ok!?" Lauren screamed. Then Marcus, Troy and I took off down the hall, hearing Lauren and Ruth shouting after us not to do anything.

None of us were going to listen, Chandler deserved everything the three of us were going to give him. We rounded the corner and sure enough, Chandler was leaning against the wall talking Andrea.

"Chandler!" I shouted.

"You fucking asshole!" Marcus said louder than I'd anticipated him to say. He marched right up to Chandler and punched him in the mouth.

Luke Jackson: My StoryWhere stories live. Discover now