Chapter 51: Shards*

Start from the beginning

The next morning, I woke up to see my Pokémon on top of me, keeping me warm. I looked at every one of them until I came across Luxray laying on my lap with its pups. Has it warmed up to me already..? It's so strange how I use to be afraid of this Pokémon, but looks like it was only territorial

I looked at the door behind me, wondering what Gregory had been thinking about what I told him. I got everyone off me and went to grab my harp, softly running my fingers on the string, creating a sound that made my heart throb and everyone wake up

"What time is it..?" I looked at the wall clock, seeing that I had a few hours before heading back home to meet my family for the meeting. I took Serena's advice on wearing white instead of black like she and mom was. She said there was a meaning for it, but I wasn't listening as much

I opened my closet with many more of my designer clothes and dressed in a white flat ankle high gown with a golden belt over my stomach, and it was sleeveless with ruffles behind me. I put on golden bracelets and a necklace to match. I kept my hair flat to complete the goddess like look. My designer senses are always the weird one, and this dress was actually my first design. It represented the hope, freedom, and the pure. Something I long to hang onto since my life became upside down

"This isn't much my style" I spun around, facing a wall mirror "but I can make it work" I chuckled and faced my Pokémon before sitting down "you all never heard me play, have you? You have, Z... remember?" Z tilted its head to the side. I closed my eyes and gently played a song my sister loved listening to what I like to call Serena's Lullaby

Long after calming my nerves of thinking of facing dad after all these years, I walked to the path towards my hometown and released Luxray, followed by its pups right behind me "well, this is where we part. Being in the city is dangerous, so stay out here" Luxray nodded and bumped my stomach in a playful way. I smiled and pet it's head "go on" it smiled, licking the back of my hand and walked off with its pups. I waved goodbye and walked over to Gregory who joined me on the walk, waiting

"Ready?" He asked. I nodded and continued the walk "wasn't that the same Luxray from back when you were a child? I could tell because of the markings. It's also the only wild Luxray in this route"

"You don't say" I didn't feel like talking all that much. I could actually see my family, Dawn and even Lucus, waiting in front of the house for me. I hurried over

"Is there a reason why he's here?" I sweat dropped

"I told him you came back and he wanted to see you" Dawn explained. Lucas blushed embarrassed

"H-hey... Sophia-San" he blushed hard and looked down "y-you look great" I blinked confused

"Are you hitting on me?" He looked like he became a fruit from how red he got as I huffed of amusement "cute" he suddenly passed out with a nose bleed. Dawn sweat dropped, looking at hearts practically coming out his aura "am I missing something..?"

"He just really likes you" Dawn giggled

"Likes me?" Serena hugged me sideways

"I'm not surprised! You're very admirable" I closed my eyes

"I don't know what you mean by that, but thanks. I hope he doesn't die from blood lost" Dawn sweat dropped and went down to check on him. Serena noticed Gregory talking to mom, comforting her as she apologized for everything she didn't know about or believed. I frowned and looked down, still knowing it was my fault. I took a deep breath and smiled back at Serena, taking my harp out from B's mouth and showed it to her

Twins of kalos (5th place in Adventure) PWA 2018Where stories live. Discover now