Chapter 15: Hidden*

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Calem was training Z and Fennekin with his own Pokémon without being asked to in route 5, while I kept the egg near my seat and I used my computer to listen to all the comments from the Pokémon, Z had been talking to.

I never got the chance to do this, despite all the things that's been happening. Since I had a little free time and Calem was training my Pokémon for me... even if it's weird to admit Fennekin was mine now... I wanted to see what's been going on

So far, there's only been tons of files of individual Pokémon saying they don't know what Z was talking about, or saying that they do know, and that they only ever saw her a few times walking by, not recently, but it wasn't very useful information to begin with

What I got from other Pokémon was nothing, so I moved their files in the recycling bin and went down to see the last file that probably belonged to that Rattata, and a few voice recordings I have no idea where they came from. Z must've wanted to be nosy like usual

"I keep telling that thing to stop being nosy" I groaned and took out my headphones to listen to the recordings, because even I can be nosy at times too. I clicked on Rattata's file and peaked over to look at the egg sitting closer to me. That's strange... I could of sworn it was sitting a few more inches away from me

Because it wasn't as close, I chose to ignore it and read through the file "Serena? The famous showcase queen of kalos? Well, there's not much I can say, but I can say very little. Please, walk with me" I'm sure this is the time when we started following the little thing through the alley "I think I know who you're talking about. My master is quite the fan, he sneaks away from the hideout to watch the showcase playing in the Pokémon center. It's actually pretty fun to look at. When the news came around that she went missing, it disappointed my master and got him in a more cranky mood than usual. So your master is looking for her, is she? I see... well, that's kinda too bad" I furrowed my brows confused "my master and his gang had been looking for victims crawling around in these alleys. Because your master is new here, she doesn't know how dangerous Kalos is. In fact, she looks distracted. Teehee! Wanna know what they do to their victims? They either keep them or sell their bodies or parts to the black market. This is how the victims are never found, and they make really good money doing it! Your master is screwed- huh?" I cupped my mouth "w-what's with all the screaming? Master? Master! Agh!!" I moved my hands off the computer, shocked at what I just read. This gang kidnaps their victims and sell them to the black market..? That's low, but it's not my first time hearing about this. It's the fact that I could had been one of the victims if it wasn't for what ever took care of them. What ever did this, had them get a taste of their own medicine. Still, I'm very confused on what happened back there. I wish I could had asked that guy in the alley who tried getting me to talk and got a hold of me

"Banette?" B questioned. I looked to the side to see the egg now laying next to my bag. I blinked a few times, getting very confused

"How did it..?" I was careful to keep the blanket on the egg and replaced its spot with my laptop so I can lay it on my lap. It's getting really warm... maybe I should keep it here just in case it tries jumping off the bench I was on

Making sure it was secure, I pressed +play on the first recording while I covered the egg completely with my blanket. I'll probably have to burn the blanket after it hatches...

"Hello Calem" Sina's voice spoke. I looked at the computer confused. I just noticed that the date showed the time when we met Sina and Dexio back in the route as the Defenders of Kalos "fancy meeting you here" she chuckled

"It's not so fancy, I don't want to talk to you. Leave me alone" I knew that was Calem, but there was a slight change in his tone. It was deeper and more aggressive. It spend chills down my spin

Twins of kalos (5th place in Adventure) PWA 2018Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon