Chapter 46: Cocoon*

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Serena and her Pokémon were more than happy to see each other after so long of being separated. With her team all in her care and Flygon ready to carry her, and me using Salamence, we were on our way to Geosenge Town

"Why didn't you want to talk to mom on video chat when I called her?" I asked as we flew in the sky

"I've worried her for so many months... I didn't want to just talk to her on screen. I want to go up to her and apologize in person. That's the most respectful thing to do"

"When I arrived to Kalos, she was in this depressed state where she would cry by herself in her room and constantly call the police, wondering if they found you yet. I was never good at comforting others, so I didn't know how to take care of mom during the week while our friends were getting ready for the journey up ahead to find you" she looked down

"I'm so sorry I put you two through that. I worried you and I never mentioned anything. I wanted it to be a secret. I don't know why I kept it from you, and there was a point where I wanted to tell you before I left, but I didn't have the heart to tell you. You were in another region and busy with your own job, I didn't want to be a bother"

"When were you ever a bother!?" I raised my voice "the only reason why I became a designer-" I stopped myself, not wanting to mention Greg finding me in the streets "me being a designer... my inspiration comes from your personality"

"My personality?"

"I don't have my own work... I always have something to create when you tell me a story about something you feel about. Since coming to Kalos, I haven't design a single thing. Only time I have was when you asked me to perform in the showcase. That outfit was created because you wanted me to do that. Every piece of fabric I put together is drawn by just thinking about you!"

"Sophie-chan..." Serena frowned "I can't say sorry enough to show how I feel about leaving you all. You, mom, Calem, Tierno, Trevor, Shauna, Aria, Dexio, Sina, the professor... so many people cared about me and I just left them! It would had been easier for everyone if I never participated in showcases in the first place. I wouldn't had worried the region like this" I stared at her crying by herself. Talking about her depression was what I've been wanting to discuss since hearing about it, but right now... if I want her to live tomorrow and talk about her problems, and even tell her the truth on why I never lived with her, we have to stop the ultimate weapon

"Don't worry, little sister. I'm right here" she looked at me with teary eyes and smiled, nodding

"Yeah! Let's teach Lysandre a lesson!" Yeah... a lesson

"They're going to use the legendary Pokémon with the weapon. We need to hurry" we made it all the way to Geosenge town, where Calem and our friends stood a few feet in front of the ultimate weapon. We jumped in their sight unexpectedly as returning our Pokémon

"Whoa!" Trevor shouted

"Sorry, did we scare you?" Serena smiled happily

"S-Serena!" Shauna cried and attacked her in a hug, almost falling "Thank goodness you're okay! We all saw the broadcast! You've been a spy all this time?! Why haven't you said anything to us?!"

"I'm sorry... that was wrong of me"

"But what's done is done. None of that matters anymore" I said, fixing my hair from all the wind going through it and pulled it up to a high ponytail. Everyone looked at my outfit "what?"

"What are you wearing?" Calem blinked a few times. I held my hip, letting them look at the clothes I chose to change into when going to the Pokémon center in Lumiose. I gave Serena the clothes I've been wearing for advertisement, which was always hers, and I decided to wear my own style I haven't got the chance to wear in a very long time; which was a black vest that exposed my belly button, my black bra, jean shorts, black laced boots, and finished everything off with a heart charmed choker... this is actually one of my very skin expose outfits I have, but it's actually comfortable and now that Serena is out and safe, I can be myself

Twins of kalos (5th place in Adventure) PWA 2018Where stories live. Discover now