Chapter 23: Meeting*

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It was still fresh in my mind how Calem had a picture of me when I was little. It wasn't a picture that he could had gotten from Serena. No, this was a picture of me laughing. I did explain how I was a quiet individual who never talked. I didn't express as much and was pretty shy. I was never caught smiling, not even by my parents who knew me my whole life. That picture. I was smiling so joyfully, and yet... I never remembered such a precious moment

I knew it was me from the moment I saw it. My hair had short platinum blonde locks and my clothing were pretty plan and dark, much how I liked it back then and now. My eyes were closed, but the smile looked real and not at all faked. It was a emotion I didn't think I have, and to not remember something like this was terrible. To have happiness, it makes me think I'm capable of being human, but it wasn't reality. To see it in a picture was proof, but because after all this time of growing out my shy state, I have yet to feel a positive emotion

There's not any proof that the picture was real or fake, as in... I'm not sure if it was a dream or not. I can remember going up at the Tower of Mastery to talk to Calem about Serena and his feelings, and the only way I knew that was real was because of the keystone I had around my neck when I woke up

Calem told me I passed out shortly after giving me the stone as a symbol of engagement, making me punch him in the face like I did before passing out. I can confirm that things did happen up at the balcony, but he didn't say anything about the picture, saying he didn't know what I was talking about. He could had said it so I wouldn't ask questions, but either way, I can't just jump up and make him tell me something that might not have happened

Serena's Lucario, the one Korrina had been taking care of, ditched Korrina and decided to hang out with me. Pichu hang onto it while I walked around with Calem around Coumarine City in the shopping area.

Lucario followed me as I walked, looking around in high alert for some reason "what do you think is wrong with Lucario?" Calem asked. I shrugged my shoulders, playing with the necklace around my neck.

It's still embarrassing how I'm wearing this... it's basically saying I'm accepting his stupid proposal. Not that I am, but I find something soothing about the stone. It gives me courage to find a way to create a bond with my Pokémon I always wanted. It also made my body feel a type of way that I don't know how to explain.

"I don't know... but I have some things to take care of. Go on ahead and I'll get back to you"

"What are you going to do?" I flicked his forehead "ow!"

"None of your business, now scram" he smiled and leaned in to kiss my forehead. I flinched and held my forehead in shock, watching him leaving in a hurry "H-Hey!!" I can't believe he did that! My face felt like I was running a fever...

"Cario?" Lucario tilted its head confused. I shook my head and looked back at it

"I have some very important business to do... I need you to go back in your Pokéball" it shook its head and held its chest "now that I think about it... I never got a story from what you know about Serena's disappearance. It has to wait... Z is going to ask some questions, but for right now, I have a meeting to get to" I returned Lucario and grabbed Pichu in hand "now, are you going to go back to your Pokéball?" It shook its head and cried "don't like it in there, huh?" I flicked its bell and went off to find this restaurant Diantha told me to meet her at

Greg tried calling me one time but I wasn't able to respond. He messaged me back telling me if I don't hurry up and promote my line, the industry is going to cut everything with our brand. I could tell how scared Greg was getting, and I couldn't let him down. Since I owe him for getting me out the streets and saving my life, I have to put everything aside for now, put everything on Calem and them, and I called Diantha to request a meeting. It's a good thing she said she was at the same city, such a coincidence

Twins of kalos (5th place in Adventure) PWA 2018Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora