Chapter 45: Labs*

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"Excellent! I can feel the fire of your convictions burning deep within my heart!" I kept thinking back at what Lysandre told me as I ran through the building to find Serena "you are here to stop me, but I ask you to wait" the man dares to talk about his actions of wanting to change the world, but no results were taken.

He's insane... to take the world for himself and kill away the others? I know there are bad people in the world, but he's planning on killing off everyone I know. Soto, Diantha, Romeo, Aria, my friends, Greg, my family... and Calem

I can't let this happen... if I can just find the person in this building who has the card to have access to that elevator Lysandre walked into. Fennie, who had evolved after a battle with a random grunt, becoming a Braixen, who I nicknamed Bailey, followed me through the building until we ran into a room I wish I didn't run into

"No sign of him here either..." Sina crossed her arm. Dexio was the first to notice me... and I walked out without wanting any part of them or them talking to me

"Miss Sophia" he called. I sighed and looked over my shoulder, knowing he wasn't as bad as Sina was "I was hoping you'd be here. Looks like you heard the news... we came here on the professor's request to stop Team Flare" I nodded

"Well, it'll be handy to get as much help as we need... but I'm more concern about Serena right now. Don't fuck shit up, idiots" I walked out without wanting to hear anything Sina would say if I stayed any longer

"For once, they're being helpful" I sighed, trying to sense Serena's Aura "while they take care of a few grunts and possibly find Lysandre, I can focus on Serena" I send out Lucario "let's get this search on faster. Find Serena!" It nodded and ran off to a room filled with large computers and desk. At the end of the room was Serena tied together in front of that blue haired scientist from Frost Cavern

"Let go of me!" Serena shouted "you really think you're going to get away with this? My sister and my friends are going to save this world! I've been double crossing you this whole time! How does it feel to be looked down upon by someone who was never part of your little gang" I blinked my eyes a few times, amazed that she's being sassy right now. This is a whole side to her I didn't think she'd have! And she's not even in disguise anymore! Aside the uniform

"Shut up!" I snapped my fingers low enough so she wouldn't hear, making her break the spell B cast on her. Serena quickly noticed "I knew somewhere in my mind that you weren't one of us! If I just thought clearly, I could had kicked you out before! Why have I never done it!?" I cleared my throat, making her face me, then at Serena and back at me again "twins... hm" she crossed her arms

"Sorry for casting that forgetting spell on you, but we had to make sure the secret stays hidden. Otherwise it wouldn't be a secret"

"Cut the crap. Even if I don't know what spell you're talking about, we gather data about all the trainers in the region through the holo caster, so we know all about you guys"

"I don't own a holo caster, and I'm not a ordinary trainer. I'm still in training to be honest"

"In training?" Serena sounded surprise

"Now that you mention it" the scientist held her chin "we didn't get much information out of you at all! It's like you don't exist!"

"Just the way I like it" I popped my knuckles together. She send out her Pokémon as a immediate need of protection

"But I see you're wearing a keystone... did you know it is used to awaken a Pokémon's power? It's just like how the ultimate weapon can max out a Pokémon's power" so what my mirror self said was correct. They are going to use Yveltal!

Twins of kalos (5th place in Adventure) PWA 2018Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat