Chapter 1: Arrival.

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The airplane that traveled all the way to Kalos took a few nights to get to. With me getting off from plane to plane, I finally arrived in the region known as the fashion capital... or something like that.

I am known as a somewhat famous fashion designer, so for someone like me, a thing like this should immediately excite me! I wasn't the kind of person to be easily entertained by anything. My personality, like life even, is as dull as a piece of paper without anything worth to say

Upon leaving the plane, eyes were already on me. Most likely it was because of what I was wearing. My own designer clothes weren't my style. I take inspiration from my sister. What I create ends up being worn by her in her fabulous showcases.

Known by so many people in Kalos, she participated in showcases with her Pokémon and always came out on top. She was the shining star of Kalos, The Kalos queen! She's a gift of this world, unlike me.

I didn't choose to wear my own design. I told my agent I'd wear it only because I wanted him to beg our company president to allow me to head to Kalos and stay here for whatever length I need to. All to take care of business

My twin sister, Serena, had gone missing a few weeks ago without evidence. It's like she disappeared off the face of the earth. I had the feeling this happened as soon as she stopped calling me for a few days. Immediately before I noticed the video chats stopped, my body knew something was wrong. She wouldn't pick up her phone, and I know she would often be busy, but she'll always notify by text that she was okay if she can't call. I came to Kalos without needing anyone there to contact me about what happened to her. I found out from a different source instead of my own mother to tell me what happened, and find that something was wrong since the day I felt worried... that was a month ago.

My carry-on only consisted of my Banette, who was well to hold many of my things like a luggage bag. My Porygon Z, who I usually call just Z, one who I frequently use with help and battles, was free to escape its ball and help me find where my mom was going to pick me up.

"Do you see her anywhere?" I asked as I took off my designer glasses for the moment while fixing the scarf around my head covering my hair. Right when I did, Z notified me of paparazzi right over at the corner, interviewing and taking pictures of the lady I sat next to on the plane. I believe her name started with a D... I wasn't entirely sure, nor cared at the time. She must be popular, so it seems.

A person in the paparazzi peaked over at me staring at the group, and he froze, almost getting too excited that he elbowed one of his co-workers beside him. Before anyone else got the chance to "recognize" me as being my sister, even if this scarf was supposed to be hiding the fact that I look almost exactly like her, mom was driving up outside.

My own mom didn't even tell me that Serena had gone missing. I had told my agent to search for my sister's whereabouts through the Kalos news from a woman he knew here. The woman did inform of a few things she could only get a hold of. I heard my mom was devastated and didn't have a spirit to even talk to anyone. I understood that... the divorce split our family apart, and Serena was all she had

I could see her light pink lipgloss quite clearly from where she pulled up. She stormed out her driver's seat to stand on the side of the truck and wave all happily towards me like I have no idea what's going on or had even a clue that she's broken.

"Sophie!" She called my name, nickname for Sophia, so loudly for everyone to hear. I sighed and walked over, already feeling someone approaching me from behind.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" The man who saw me before walked over with his little friend. I didn't bother turning to look at them "can we ask a few questions?"

Twins of kalos (5th place in Adventure) PWA 2018Where stories live. Discover now