Chapter 33: Freedom*

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I stared at my younger self shouting at every stab she was putting through Ciro's neck, staring into his dead eyes without a sign of stopping "Serenity!" Romeo shouted. He tried getting closer, but wouldn't, seeing her going wild and her hair was going everywhere

"I put up with you for this long!" She finally stopped stabbing him "I didn't care about the crimes you did... I looked away so I wouldn't be involved, but you did that in front of my face" I raised my knife high, ready for the last stab "You've crossed the line" She stabbed him in the head right on the forehead "...go fuck yourself in hell" She left her knife in his head and slowly removed herself from him, looking back at the gang staring at her, holding her side bleeding intensely. Romeo was frozen on the spot

"I guess this is what freedom feels like..." he said, and looked down, bowing his head to her. Everyone followed after him. She pressed on her painful wound she's barely feeling, and pointed at a random grunt I never cared to learn the name of

"Stand up... I don't need this. This gang is finished" She walked to her room without looking back... Romeo ran after her with the Pichu in his arms

"Serenity..." he stopped her from reaching the doorway of her bedroom

"Romeo... is it too late to say sorry..?" She asked

"There's nothing to be sorry about... this was the only way. We're... free" he walked over to check on her wound. She looked down at the Pichu bleeding in his arms, frowning at her. She reached out to touch it, but flinched and held her hand, scared of what she was about to do. I didn't know Romeo noticed my fear when I stormed into my room.

She grabbed a few of her things, staring at what I had left under my bed, and finally walked out the building. Romeo ran after her. I stopped, not looking back at him "have a good life... Good luck" right when she opened the door, a blue orb feather flew passed me. This...

She walked out the door, struggling to walk due to the wound on her side, with Z flying off to who knows where, to the alley and hurried to the streets, but her feet didn't take her far enough. She fell on her hands, hissing at the pain. She was shaking, she couldn't take another step. I looked behind me, seeing Romeo staring at her pain with sad eyes, knowing she didn't want any help or attention

I looked back to the street, seeing that Z was floating next to Greg, who was staring down at her with luggage, staring at her standing there completely bloody and injured. My younger self stared at him just as frozen as he was

"Sophia!" He helped her up and checked her face. I stared at his worried eyes, seeing how similar they were to Calem's eyes, and their hair was even the same. How did I not notice the similarities before..? "What are you doing out here!? Why are you still in Sinnoh!? You're injured..." He made sure she wasn't hurt anywhere else "why are you so skinny!? Why were you in a alley!? What are you wearing?!" She hugged herself, not knowing what to say to him. She didn't think she'd see him, ever "does your mom even know you're out here!?"

"She..." She was shaking, looking like she wanted to cry "she doesn't even know about dad..." she lost balance, in which Greg caught her before she fell "I can't... I'm sorry" She cupped her face "I can't... I can't leave him" he nodded and help her walk to possibly the emergency room. I looked behind me, seeing that Romeo was gone

The blue light that came before flashed my vision and brought me to the penthouse that dad used back when he worked here 6 years ago... everything is still here "I couldn't bare to really part with this place. Your dad and I were best friends... this is actually my place now" Wearing new clothes and got the deep wound cleaned and covered, she frowned at Greg searching the fridge to put something together "I still can't believe you've been here in Sinnoh this whole time. Do you know how scared I got to see you in such a terrifying state? It's my fault for not taking care of you back then, but you just disappeared" I sat down and stared out the window, staring down at earth below me. I'm here on earth... as if I'm given a opportunity to be normal with the job and place Greg gave me... no matter of the two years I spend being normal and having a actual job I could be proud of since I used it to gift my sister, I was never normal... and what I was actually looking at was earth... fantasizing about being on it. Still too close to the moon, and so far from being normal

Twins of kalos (5th place in Adventure) PWA 2018Where stories live. Discover now