Legend of the Princesses

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Will contain some spoilers if you're one of those people who like skipping through the table of contents and see what's up ahead!


There's multiple princesses I put together with Sophia for the fun of it, though there are similar things that she does have in common with them and I'll make you understand how the two of them can be like when put together!

There's multiple princesses I put together with Sophia for the fun of it, though there are similar things that she does have in common with them and I'll make you understand how the two of them can be like when put together!

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The first princess I made Sophia out of is Princess Serenity if it wasn't obvious. To Sophia, her palace represents her shy personality and never wanting to express herself towards others

Growing up, she overcame the shyness after her father's death, thus, destroying the palace and leaving her to the open world of the moon, where she lives through her rough life and she often looks towards earth, wishing she can be a part of it, as a metaphor for wanting to be a normal person. Just like Serenity, she gazed at the earth in admiration and with Serenity wishing she can be with her love, Sophia knows Calem is stuck between worlds in his own universe of his mind, telling that he is beyond out there and thinks differently than even Sophia

Sophia was given pig tails with buns on top, and she never even notices that a crescent moon is between her forehead. Her dress is perfectly similar to the princess, except for the length which I made a metaphor being that its long enough to keep her from going anywhere else, making her fall through her journey

She also demands justice and peace when things go wrong. She doesn't feel her heart enough to notice that it's controlling her to do things her brain wouldn't think of.

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She actually loves shiny objects. The keystone Calem gave her is resembling the silver crystal from sailor moon. It's the heart of the moon and the princess's in control of her own powers. The keystone is one with Sophia's heart and attached to her soul. The dream that took her back to her past memories were the lights that put together the silver crystal like in the anime. Those lights of memories were separated into different categories

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