Saint Eagle 🦅

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Manhattan New York NYC
2013 October 19 Saturday
02 : 36 pm

Manhattan New York NYC 2013 October 19 Saturday02 : 36 pm

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Zoë Zozo Kravitz

It's been a week in this hell hole and I haven't heard a thing from Drake. I only know that he's alive cause Bey heard from Bird.

My phone rang interrupting my depressed thoughts. Caller ID showed that it's my brother

"What?" I answered

"That's no way to talk to me Zoë, what's up with your attitude anyway?" He asked

"You're whats up with my attitude. Didn't I tell you to let this shit go a long time ago?" I asked furiously

"Oh you talking about your precious boyfriend? Baby sis that was just a graze, that boy is just a bitch" he said laughing

"If you don't stop this shit I'm gonna tell mom and dad" i threatened

"Nah why you gotta do all that shit for? If you do I'll tell them that you're dating the guy they've wanted to lock up since forever." He said casually. I greeted my teeth in anger

"I hate your ass so much, all you do is ruin my life Junior!! Or should I say 50?"

"I'm just trying to look after myself and you baby sis. Besides your boy called war now with his partners. They've wiped out plenty of my men." He said sounding worried but I couldn't care less

"And I hope they kill many more. You know the only reason you even started this shit is because I'm dating Drake. Now I'm gonna lose my man and my friends over your bullshit, I hate you so much!" I cried before ending the call

Someone knocked on my door a few minutes later, I wiped my tears before telling them to come in. It was Bey holding Princess Amir in her arms.

"Hey, mind if we join you. It's kind of boring and Kae is still sleeping" she flashed me a smile. I nodded allowing her in

She came in and closed the door behind. She was younger than all of us but she was maturest of us. And she was the sweetest person I've ever met.

"Are you okay Zozo?" She asked sounding concerned. I nodded my response with my head looking down

"I'll be fine BB I promise" I said. She picked up my head with her fingers to look at her. Then a sweet smile appeared on her face

"When you're ready, just come to my room and tell me okay?" She said. I said okay.

She didn't leave though, Amir was playing on the floor freely while we watched her in silence. She then ran to Bey excitedly

Saints and Sinners | COMPLETED PART 1Where stories live. Discover now