Freezer Burn

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Weiss and Yang

The sun filtering through the windows and hitting my face... Is how I wished to be awoken this day. But that... That brute! Ugh.

Yang pokes my arm. "Weiss. Weiss. Ice. Weiss. Speak to me."

My face flames up again as I recall what happened not a mere ten minutes ago.

Yang sighs. "I'm sorry for tripping and accidentally kissing you."

My face flames up even harder.

It's not that I didn't mind the kiss... I just... Wanted my first kiss go be special.

"Y-You should be sorry you brute!" I huff and fold my arms across my chest.

Yang smirks out of the corner of my eye. "Was that your first kiss?"

I grow even more red, if that's even possible. Heat radiates from my body in large amounts as embarrassment fills me. "N-No!"

Yang bursts out laughing. "I was your first kiss! I was Ice Queen's first kiss!"

At that nickname, my anger reaches its boiling point. I stand up now angry. "So what if it was?! Just shut up!" I grab Myrtenaster and storm out of the dorm, my embarrassment at an all time high. Storming through the halls, students realize my impending rage and avoid to cross my path.

I make it to the courtyard and promptly release my pent up anger. The grass freezes beneath me as the air cools around my body. My semblance activates and I begin to train with my glyphs.

Stupid. Infuriating. Horrible. Cute....

I shake my head. Bad thoughts Weiss. You are a Schnee, she is just a... a brute... Gah! Stupid stupid stupid!

I stab Myrtenaster into the ground and plop onto a bench, my head in my hands.

Why did I blow up like that? It's just a silly nickname... It shouldn't affect me if it's true. Right?

The sound of footsteps fills the empty courtyard, I simply ignore it. To deep in my own thoughts.

"Weiss..." Yang's voice rings out, causing me to jump slightly.

I refuse to look at her as I sit up straight. "What do you need Yang?" The question comes out sharper than I meant. Guilt fills me as Yang flinches, but I do nothing to reconcile.

Yang plops in the seat next to me. "I'm sorry about the kiss and the nickname. I know you hate it, but I still use it."

My head snaps to look at Yang.

Yang is apologizing to me? Why?

She looks down at her hands. "Weiss... I.. I like you. A lot. And I understand that you're a Schnee or whatever and need to upkeep the family name." She heaves yet another sigh. "I just wanted to get that off my chest."

Yang stands up and goes to walk away. I look down blushing as my hand reaches out and tugs on the back of her jacket. My thumb and forefinger tug on the fabric as Yang starts to walk off. When she notices the resistance, she stops and turns around.

I refuse to look up, already knowing that Yang can spot just how red my face is. "I..." My voice cracks as nervousness races in.

Yang scoffs. "Don't force yourself to like me." She turns and walks off. As Yang walks off, my panic grows. She's halfway across the courtyard when I call out.

"I like you too Xio Long!" I shout. My face reddens even more as she spins on her heel. Her eyes search my face for any hesitation as I stare her down.

I grow jittery as she cross the courtyard back to me in long strides.

Oh my gods. I confessed. I confessed. Crap crap crap crap cra-

My thoughts are silenced as Yang lifts my chin with her left hand and her lips are planted on mine. Yang pulls away and grins.

"See ya in the dorm Weiss!" She jogs out of the courtyard, a stunning smile on her face.

I sink to the ground, my right hand touching my lips in shock. She kissed me. Again. But this one felt so much better. It was sweet...

A strange heat fills my chest as a smile of my own crawls onto my face.

Yang kissed me.

In a daze, I grab my weapon and walk back to the dorm. Students give me second glances as they notice the dopey smile on my face. Upon entering my dorm, I find that my teammates are gone. I couldn't care less as I practically face plant into my bed. I hug my pillow and fall asleep with a fuzzy heart.


I groan as my shoulder is being poked. I lift my head blearily and find that the room in dark. A silhouette stands over me. The silhouette shifts and moonlight shines onto Yang's face.

"What do you want Yang?" I ask, slurring my words slightly.

Yang glares at something in my arms. I follow her gaze and find that I'm cuddling my pillow.

A soft giggle escapes my throat. I place the pillow back up with my head and roll over to face Yang.

"Jealous much?"

Yang sticks her tongue out at me. "Whatever. Just scoot over."

Luckily the darkness hides my steadily blushing cheeks. I scoot over and Yang crawls into bed next to me. She pulls the blankets over us and pulls me closer until I am using her chest as my pillow.

I squeak in protest and try to wriggle out of her grip. After about a minute with nothing, I give up and listen to Yang's breathing. Slowly, ever so slowly, sleep encompasses us. A smile on both of our faces as we drift off.

Yang Xio Long...

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