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Pyrrha and Ruby

Beep.. Beep... Beep..

I groan and sit up, clutching my head and hissing in pain. I blink and look around the room.

A head of black hair is seen lying at the foot of my bed. A white haired female and a blonde haired female are sitting on a couch next to a blonde haired male. On the floor is an orange haired female in the arms of a black haired male.

I go to sit up in more comfortable position causing the bed to creak loudly.

The black haired female is the first up. She shoots up and her familiar amber eyes gaze down at me.

"W-Who are you? Where am I?" I ask quietly, my voice cracking.

The women looks saddened but gives me a smile nonetheless. "My name is Blake. I'm a friend of yours. Can you tell me your name?" She hands me a glass of water.

After gulping down the water, I answer the question. "P-Pyrrha."

Blake nods. "That's good."

I focus harder on the people in the room and clutch my head groaning.

Fragments of seeing them fills my head at some school. A.. A hunting school. I glance around at the people at the room as Blake stirs them awake.

They all stare at me hopefully.

I point to each of them in turn. "Your Weiss. Yang. Jaune. Ren. And Nora."

They all give me soft smiles.

Blake pats my shoulder. "Good. Can you remember anyone else?"

A flash of red is seen outside the window and a girl with silver eyes and black hair presses her face against the window. She grins when she sees me before disappearing into rose petals.

"Red. Something with red." I say quietly before facing my friends again.

They all looked saddened but smile nonetheless.

I grow tired and lay down to sleep.

"Hiya Pyrrha!" The girl from earlier but younger looking calls.

My younger self waves and the girl runs over.

She continues to run but doesn't get any closer as the scenery stretches out.

I sit up gasping for air. I jump when I notice the girl next to me. For now I'll call her Red.

"How did you get in here?" I ask checking the time. Definitely after hours.

She smiles. "Super secret. How are ya feeling?"

I shrug. "Sore everywhere."

Red laughs. "Yeah. I could understand that."

I look her over. "What's your name?"

She blinks but smiles happily. "You'll remember soon. I believe in you. I've gotta go. See you tomorrow Pyrrha." She disappears into a pile of rose petals.

I lay back down and stare at the ceiling.

Red... You seem important to me...

Weeks pass and I'm still on this hospital. Everytime I try to bring up the subject of Red, everyone changes it. An underlying tone of sadness is seen in their smiles.

Red has been visiting me every week without fail. Telling me stories about our time at Beacon.

"And then Yang blew up and so everyone had roasted marshmallows!" Red cries happily.

I giggle. "That must've been lots of fun."

Red laughs and nods. "Tons of fun. And there was one time your team did a dance performance. And Jaune was wearing a dress!"

I burst out laughing. "What? I want to remember that!"

Red laughs with me and wipes a tear from her eyes. "Good times."

I groan as my head twinges in pain again.

A women with a bow and arrow stand over me. It happens in slow motion.

I am pushed out of the way and Red takes my place.

"Ruby!" I scream and silver fills the area.

I sit up gasping. I look around. Memories of Ruby and I dating fill my head. "Ruby!"

Ruby smiles next to me. "You remember." She hugs me.

I sob quietly. "You're alive! You're okay." I go to hug the girl back when I feel nothing. I open my eyes and find her at the end of my bed. "No. No. NO! Come back!"

Ruby shakes her head, a soft smile on her face. "I love you Pyrrha. Smile for me. I'll always be here."

I shake my head and attempt to sit up only to watch in horror as she disappears into rose petals that disappear also. In her place, at the foot of the bed, is a red rose. I pick it up tenderly and clutch it to my chest, heavy tears fall down my face.

Ruby... I love you too...

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