White Rose

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Ruby and Weiss

I munch on the borrowed forever cookie I managed to take from Blake. My eyes skim through the notes I took from Port's last class. Most of it dealing with his grandpa smelling like cabbage or something. I close my notebook and sigh in exasperation.

At least Ice Queen won't get mad at me, I studied! She'll be so proud! She'll see that Ruby is really cool and she'll want to be my best friend.

Blake pokes my side, startling me,"Ruby. Your daydreaming again."

I hang my head in embarrassment. Whoops.

"Ruby!" A loud shrill voice calls out.

Both Blake and I jump as this voice happens to be coming from behind us. We both turn our heads and find the Ice Queen.

She glares down at me with her pristine blue eyes that always remind of some sort of crystal. "Are you not studying?"

I shake my head. "W-Wait! I was! I just finished up with the notes from Port's."

Weiss snarls,"Get back to work! Or you'll fail the next test!"

I flinch and hang my head,"I..." Why does she hate me? "I've... Gotta go." Stupid Weiss for being so... So cute and entrapping my heart.

"Where do you think you're going? It's time to study!" Weiss continues to glare down at me with her crystal blue eyes.

I flinch and quickly stand up. I open and close my mouth to say something when Neptune walks up.

"Hey Snowflake. No need to yell at Ruby. Anyways, I was wondering if you want to-"

I zone out Neptune and focus on Weiss face. Her white cheeks now having a slight red blush. Ah... That's right. She's straight. I pick up my stuff and zoom away, not wanting to see anymore.


Ruby suddenly runs off, a trail of disappearing rose petals left in her wake.

I gape in shock and Blake slams her book shut.

Blake glares down at me. "Now you've hurt her feelings." Blake takes off leaving Neptune and I behind in shock.

Was I too harsh on her? Who am I kidding, of course I was. Stupid!

I gather myself up and chase off Blake. I soon catch up to her and we are quickly joined by Yang.

"Let's split up! She's fast but she'll tire eventually and we'll have a better chance of catching her then!" Yang yells.

We nod and branch off.

I check the dorm, gardens, and training arena with no luck. Blake and Yang run over to me and shake their heads. I glance over into the forest.

Could she have... It's possible.

"The forest!" I call out and start to run towards it. Upon arrival, I find snapped or cut down trees. Ruby's scythe. We follow the path of destruction until we come upon a rather large clearing. Ruby is hacking trees down with her scythe.

"Stupid!" A tree falls. "Idiot!" Yet another tree. "Dolt!" With one swipe three trees fall down and Ruby falls to the ground panting.

I'm shoved into the clearing and Ruby looks up. Her eyes hiding so much pain. Those pools of silver... Where did that childish innocence go?

She shakily stands up. "I'm sorry."

I shake my head,"I should be apologizing Ruby. Not you. And while what I've said and done was rude and upsetting. What caused this?" I wave at the fallen trees.

Ruby lets out a breath. "I... like someone." She mumbles the last part but I manage to catch it.

I furrow my eyebrows when my heart twinges. She likes someone? "Who?"

She mumbles something that I don't catch.

I roll my eyes,"Speak up. No one likes a mumbler."

"You!" She cries out before her eyes widen in panic. She turns to run, only to find herself trapped in a glyph. "What? Let me go!"

I slowly walk up to her and walk around her so I'm facing her.

Her face goes red and she refuses to look at me.

"What did you just say?" I ask again, my heart fluttering.

Ruby's face becomes as red as the hood she wears. "I like you... I'm sorry."

"D-Don't be sorry! D-Dolt!" I cry and watch as she hangs her head in shame. Without thinking I reach over and kiss her cheek. "P-Pick the first date."

Ruby is released from my glyph and stares at my retreating back.

I turn and flash her a heartwarming smile.

Ruby Rose huh. I think I can do that.

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