Get Back to Work, I'm Busy

Start from the beginning

Tom couldn't complain, the medical ward was not his favorite place to be. He moved slowly to the side of the bed and placed his feet on the floor. When he tried getting up, he wobbled a bit.

Tord holds him up quickly and chuckles. "Feeling jelly legs there Thomas?"

"I don't think the anesthesia wore off yet." Tom blandly responses. He yelped a little when he felt Tord pick him up to hold him in a bridle style carry. "Put me down idiot!"

"You can't even hold yourself up stupid. Just sit tight while I take you to one of the Labs." Tom could sense Tord already taking steps out of the room. Now that his sight has been taken away, his other senses have been heightened. He could literally hear Tomi purring in their shared mindset by how comforting Tord's close presence is to them.

"Why are you taking me to a lab?"

"I'm planning on making something for you to see with. Maybe I could put together a VR set and modify the device to give you sight instead."

After what Tord said, Tom stayed quiet. So that's how his future self got those goggles.

Tord had made them for him.

~Time Skip: Next Day~

Tom stayed on a cot inside the lab him and Tord occupied. By no means was any soldier allowed to come in unless it was either Paul or Patryk. The Red Leader has even pushed back all his meetings with governments around the world just so he could focus on giving Tom his sight back.

"I can wait you know."

"What are you talking about Thomas?"

Tom could hear him tinkering away with whatever he had in his hands. "Your meetings. You should attend them. Giving me my sight back can wait."

A sigh was heard. "I think your sight is more important than meetings."

Tom scouts to the side of the bed and slowly gets up when he puts his feet on the floor.

"It's useless for me to go if you can't be there."

Tom puts his hand on the wall and lets Tord's rambling voice guide him to the man.

"It was my fault after all..."

Tom keeps walking, cautious with each step to make sure he doesn't trip.

"My fault you got hurt."

When Tom makes it behind Tord, he notes the other's voice is lower down. Which means the man is sitting down.

"That disgusting prisoner shot you."

Tord stopped talking when he felt a pair of arms lightly draped over his shoulders to hug him lightly. He looks up to see Tom's face, his eyes still covered in those bandages. He loosened the grip on the screwdriver he was holding in his hand.

"It's not your fault Tord." Tom knew he was now acting out character of himself. But he'd make an exception seeing, well rather sensing, Tord was losing his sanity over this event. "Don't be stupid on me now. Take a break from this and go to your meetings."


"I'll refuse to wear whatever your making to help me see again." Tom instantly tells the man. Tord can be stubborn, sure- but Tom can be stubborner. "I will not wear them if you don't handle your other duties first."

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