"Thank you doctor." I said grinning as I stared at Trent."I'm delicate so treat me gently." I said.

"Gently? I treat you gently! You are the one who always hits me ! Thats real abuse."He said

"That's what a wife is for .... And stop yelling at me !"I yelled back.

" I'm not yelling !" He argued .

"Than what is this !"

"Please. Relax." The baby is moving a lot and I can't get a picture of him ."

"Him ?" Trent said .

"It's just a term right now Trent. He is not sure of the babies gender yet so relax."

"Oh..but is possible that it could be a boy? Right ?" He asked .

He definitely wanted a boy and I didn't mind. Boys want boys and girls want girls. I guess I don't mind what gender but if I had I choose a girl wouldn't be bad. For Trent on the other hand he wouldn't be so happy because then he has to go all daddy mode on her when it comes to boys.

"It's half chance for both." The doctor said finally taking the thing off my stomach." In another two months you should find out." He looked at the screen for a while before turning to us."I'm going to put the audio for the babies heart just to check out something."He said still looking at the screen intensely.

"Is everything alright ?" I asked.

"Yes." He said.

He placed the beautiful sound of our babies heart for a while but immediate looked at us when he did.

"Are you a sure doctor ?" Trent asked as the doctor seemed concentrated.

"Well...." He began.

"Well?" I asked waiting for his response.

"You have twins." He stated.

"Twins ?!" I yelled.

"Twins...."Trent said looking more unhealthy than ever.

"Twins." The doctor said conforming our ears.

I placed my hand on Trent should make sure he was alright and turns out he is pretty happy about . He Was just shocked that he ended up having two kids in matter of seconds and never being a father before scared him.And he better have never been a father before because I would have killed him.

"We'll do fine Trent." I said rubbing his arm reassuringly.

He nodded his head with a smile in response ." We'll never know till we start." He kissed the top of my head lovingly and I smiled.

I honestly love this idiot.

The doctor started to wipe my stomach down before telling me about birth things and websites you could go in to learn about it . He handed me some pictures of our babies and I couldn't help but stare at it for a long time.

"You are allowed to go ." Th doctor said handing us some paper work that we had to sign." And congratulations on your babies."

"Thank you ." Trent an I said at the same time.

He scanned the paperwork and signed it." Thank you for taking are of my wife." He handed the paperwork to the doctor.

"No problem. It's my job." He said before leaving us by ourselves.

"We should head home." Trent said.

"About that.... " I said remembering something ."We have to move ..."


"Abby. Stop doing this to me." Trent said as he sat back down in his seat.

" I'm not doing anything." I said bluntly.

"Then what are you doing?" He asked .


"So when my food magically disappears and there are crumbs all over you , it's nothing ?" He said looking straight at his half sandwich meal that the ladies gave out to us . Well technically it was a full sandwich but my stomach declared upon having a little bit more of food so I decided to take half while he was using the bathroom.

A grin made its way to my face ." I love you ." I gave him a kiss in the cheek and that should have sold it.

"Fine..." He said taking deep long breaths." This pregnancy stress. It getting to me ." He complained .

I fake laughed at this ." Says the guy who isn't carrying the actual babies ."

"Fine...You win this round. Just don't our hopes up for the next ." He said with a mischievous grin .

I turned my face and my eyebrows instantly arched ." Honey .. In this marriage." I pointed to both of us." I win all the rounds ."

He looked at me I'm silence." No even going to respond to that ."

He eventually gave me the other half and asked the plane attendants for another one and luckily it was the last one. When he received it he gave me that one look that left me knowing not to even ask about having half . Needless to say that he was beyond happy when I didn't take it from him.

"Enjoy the meal ?"I asked.

"Yes I did . I think it was because it didn't have your hand prints in it ."

I glared at him ." Shut to the up."


Well this just got interesting?

Did it??

Yes it did!

Or did it really ??


Sometimes life is just full of surprises.

Or is it ?

Shut up !!

Should I ??

I believe so...

Do you really believe ?

I give up... I'm done with you !

Are you ? Are you really ?

*glares and walks away*


I love you, bossحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن