Chapter 13: The date on Christmas Eve

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This song should fit very well with the first part I guess.. So play while reading!

Ash's POV

It has been one whole week since I was separated from Serena, one week of missing her softness, her strawberry shampoo, her smile. It has been one week and today, is December 24th, Christmas Eve.

I sat on the table in Gary and Dawn's dormitory, staring at the screen of my laptop, watching at the closed circuit television (CCTV), watching Serena sobbing with her face tucked in between her legs. I have been looking at this for a whole week, 24 hours. It just hurts my heart, looking at her crying.

I continued watching as Miette entered the room. I turned up the volume to hear the conversation.

"Hey blondie," my nostrils flared "why you crying? Ash left you?"

"Go away Miette, it's none of your business!"

"ooh.. Tsk... What did you do?"

The next thing I knew, I saw Serena shouting curse words and Miette looked petrified by her sudden change in attitude. She then ran out while Serena resumed her ever so heartbreaking sobs.

Ever since she has been 'separated' from me, she has been acting aggressive and heartbroken. Calem tried to take this chance to 'attack' her but she somehow screamed till Calem got scared and took off.

Jeez, I can't take this any longer. She isn't eating much, she is getting thinner and thinner day by day.. If she continues like that, I am afraid that she will have her life ended next...

"Gary, I can't take this any longer, I'm going!" I announced.

"Ugh. Go!" Gary sounded annoyed. This has maybe been the 60th time I am asking Gary if I can go back to Serena and finally, he gave in.

"Jirachi, come on out! Jirachi, I wish I can go back to my dormitory, but put me in the closet"

Jirachi nodded and teleported me to a dark and enclosed area. At first, I panicked, then I realised that I was in my own closet because I could smell the strong strawberry shampoo smell, telling me that I am probably standing next to Serena's dress, waistcoat. Maybe her shoes? Her fedora?

Jirachi glowed in the dark as I returned it back to its  pokeball. I slowly nudged the closet door open, to avoid seeking attention from Serena, if she is right out there, seating on the bed crying.

I saw a honey blonde hair girl seating on the bed, her eyes buried in her hands. She looked up because she might have sensed movements. She looked around before picking up her phone.

"Oh Ash... *sob* why? I-I love you so much... Why did you have to leave me alone..."

It was then I realised that she must be looking at the lock screen of her phone, with the picture of me and her during my birthday. She put down her phone and continued her crying.

I thought furiously through my head. How can I get her attention without making it so obvious... A-ha! Got it!


I cleared my throat and spoke in a deep voice.

"Hello Ms Yvonne, how can I help you?"

Serena jumped up a little and looked around.

Ash Ketchum and Serena Yvonne, and the philosopher's stone (amourshipping)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz