Chapter 4: The sorting

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Serena's POV

I sat beside the computer twiddling my fingers. Everyone is still staring at me. Ash walked over to me and place his arm over me. He gave me an encouraging smile. I smiled back weakly.

Suddenly, I heard a small voice in my head. 

''Hmm... Where should I put you? You have the potential of being in Froakie house. You knew you were defeated when the slurpuff used fairy wind on your Barixen. You battled humbly but you also showed your dark sides while battling''

Not Chespin house! Not Chespin house! I thought furiously

''Not Chespin house? I know you are a visionary, and usually visionaries are sorted into Chespin house you know?''

No! I just want to be with Ash. Please!

''Eh? Are you sure?''


''Wow, I am shocked'' a different, familiar voice spoke in my head. I looked at Ash and he smiled.

I really want to be with Ash, please?

''If she really wants to be with me, please accept her persuasion!'' Ash said in my head

''Ok then, in that case... FENNEKIN HOUSE!'' the computer shouted from the outside.

The people in Fannekin house cheered as I walked over with Ash holding my hands. I sat down next to Ash after he took his seat. The headmaster, I am guessing, stood up from his seat and everyone settled down.

''Welcome, everyone to the new term in Kanto University! We start off as usual, with the banquet! So let's not wait any longer! Dig in!'' The Professor chuckled and sat down. Immediately, plates of food were served from the kitchen. There must have been at least 70 waiters who came out from the kitchens. 

When the waiters set down the food on our table. Ash helped me with some baked potatoes and some pastries. I smiled at him. Ash is so caring. I picked up utensils and started eating. I ate slowly, relishing all the flavours of the food as it slowly melts in my mouth. Man, it tastes so good!

I finished, putting my forks and spoon lightly on the plate, showing some manners. I mean I am a Princess. I am supposed to show some proper table manners right? I looked at Ash. He was licking the gravy off his plate. When he put down his plate, I smacked his head and scowled at him. He realised his mistake and quickly bowed to me. I giggled softly and used my tissue to wipe his mouth. I then rested my head on his shoulder. Ash rested his head on mine. And it was only then I realised that Dawn and Gary were seating on the opposite of us.

''What are you guys doing here?'' I peered at them curiously

''We were sorted here! And for your information, we have been seating here from the start!''


I glanced around the hall. I saw the professors eating and talking among themselves. Professor McGonagall was talking to a man who seemed oddly familiar. Beside them were two Professors. One of them has blue hair and looked like Miette. I am guessing that that is his dad. What a joke! What headmaster? He is just a normal Professor! Miette's dad was talking to a rather old Professor. Miette's dad suddenly turned around, darting his eyes left and right. When he landed his gaze on me, I felt a sharp pain in my head. I immediately held onto where the pain is. I took out my pocket mirror and looked at myself. I don't have any scars or any form of injury on my head. That's funny. When Miette's dad looked away, the pain subsided. I sighed in relief.

''Is something wrong?'' Ash looked at me. 



Ash Ketchum and Serena Yvonne, and the philosopher's stone (amourshipping)Where stories live. Discover now