Chapter 18 - Party mood

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A/N: Yes, I'm stupid, I'm so uncool etc. Even if you don't think it, I do. I'm sorry I haven't uploaded. But now, I really feel like writing, so here's the upload. I hope you like it. I hope it's not cheesy or anything. And I hope the next chapter is going to rock. Enjoy!

Chapter 18 – Party mood

The place looked amazing. Jenna’s garage, which was usually for all kinds of junk and rubbish, was amazing. The walls had pink hearts on them and there was a sign saying ‘Happy Birthday’. Balloons were tied to lamps and to chairs, some of them were lying on the floor, moving around every now and then when a gentle breeze came as I rushed back and forth to make sure everything was perfect.

Because of the last minute changes Joe was with Jenna, just so she couldn’t come and ruin the surprise, and George was coming with the cake. Lilly, who had been responsible for movies, was in the kitchen, eating. The only person missing, excluding Joe and Jenna, was Howard.

“I’m sure he’s still looking for good music,” Lilly assured while taking a bite of the pizza. “Damn, this stuff is delicious!” She wiped her mouth with a napkin and drank some soda. “Now, I’m going to excuse myself. Have to pick out the best from good,” she said, referring to the DVDs. In an instant she got up and left the kitchen. That was my queue to check the garage again and maybe change something about it.

“Right, the disco ball,” I murmured, grabbed the silvery ball and went to the party spot. I almost dropped what I was carrying when I saw Howard.

“Hi,” he shyly greeted, messing with CDs. He didn’t seem to be pleased with any of the songs as he was constantly pressing next.

“How did you get in?” I frowned and set the ball on the couch. “I didn’t hear you come.”

“Guess I’m a silent walker. Basically like a thief, huh?” He shrugged his shoulders and settled with a song, it sounded like indie rock. It wasn’t exactly what I would listen, but I kind of liked it.

“More like a stalker,” I squinted my eyes suspiciously, then, shook my head. “Anyway, have you heard from Joe? Are they coming?” I followed Howard with my stare as he sat down on one of the chairs. “Never mind, where’s George?”

“I would’ve answered by now if I knew,” he chuckled quietly. “George is probably messing with the cake...scratch that – he’s probably buying a new one. Who the heck let him near that thing?”

“Um, it was Joe. Come to think of, you’re right, it was a bad idea to let George handle it, but what’s done is done,” I agreed nodding my head. “Do you mind setting the disco ball up?” I changed the subject. I was aware of my clumsiness, so I took advantage of the situation.

“Not at all,” he shook his head and stood up. “Where exactly?”

“Right there,” I pointed my finger where I wanted it. “I’ll check on Lilly.”

Lilly was back in the kitchen. “No! You are not allowed to eat any further!” I yelled as I saw her reach for the potato chips. She jumped on her spot, letting out a squeak.

“God, you scared me,” she breathed out in relief. “By the way, George just called. He’s stuck in traffic with his mom, so we have a little situation - Joe and Jenna are on their way.”

“Great! I mean, it’s great George is with his mom, because otherwise, we would have to find a new cake. And Jenna will understand,” I said.

“Then we shall party,” Lilly stuck her fist in the air and nodded. “One thing more, though. We need spice it up.”

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