Chapter 15 - Game on

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So, I enjoyed writing, especially the last bit. I don't know...I think it didn't turn out as I wanted, but...I still hope you like it. So let me know what you think, okay? I love reading the comments. 

Chapter 15 – Game on

The annoying beeping of my alarm clock woke me from my dreams. That darn thing didn’t let me see the ending of what could’ve helped me. I was just about to make a decision. It would have been so much easier if I knew what my subconscious wanted. I guess fate really needed the awake me to make my mind up.

I was meeting Jenna at the mall. I noticed her from a distance as she was wearing a baggy neon green T-shirt. When she spotted me, I waved and she waved back.

“You disappeared,” she said as we found our way to the fountain in the centre of the mall, and sat down on the bench girding the water body. I rubbed my temples as I had developed a headache, clearly it was from the har thinking. I had promised Jenna, and Lilly, I would make a decision that very day. Boy, was that hard!

“I thought I told you. Howard got punched in the face, so I dragged him to Joe’s,” I explained and sighed, dropping my hands on the sides and staring at my worn pink sneakers. I wasn’t a fan of pink, but I loved sneakers. “Didn’t turn out that great, but at least there was pizza.”

“Yeah, Lilly told me Howard had got pissed at Joe. What happened exactly?” She nodded.

“Who knows,” I shrugged. “Maybe mad at Jace for picking a fight? But just decided to pour all the anger out on Joe?” I pushed my hair behind my shoulder and looked up at the people around us. On any other day I would love to be at the mall, in public, but now I was longing for home.

“So…have you got even the slightest clue?” Jenna asked gently and turned to look at me. I shook my head and let out a breath. “Yeah, that’s a difficult one.”

She got that right. I tried to think, but couldn’t. Trying was pointless. Nothing was going to happen. I really was messed up. And yet, I didn’t even know what the boys felt, how they felt about me. I was being selfish, just thinking about myself. Was Howard even interested in me? Well, he had to, right? After all, he kissed me. And Joe – did he or did he not like me? I mean, he had got all jealous at the sleepover and was overprotective when it came to me and other guys.

“Maybe I should confront them?” I muttered under my breath. Jenna heard me, but she didn’t know what to say. I didn’t blame her for not knowing, it was my problem.

“It’s scary,” Jenna half-laughed. The thought of it made her shiver. “I’d say yes, but if I were you, I’d be halfway to Vegas or something.” The nervousness in her voice made me smile. Somehow I felt like I was brave, and that I was doing better than she would. It encouraged me. I felt my face glowing and damn it felt good. To know what you’re doing, to appreciate the moment.

“Game on. By tonight, I will have made a decision, no matter what!” I said surely and nodded. Suddenly we both burst out laughing. It was as if I wasn’t facing difficulties or problems, which I actually weren’t, right? Yeah, from then on I thought about the situation as a blessing. I had a choice, and even though it was hard to make, I needed to get over it and grow up. I had to stop worrying about every little thing. So I quivered as if trying to shake off the old me. In a way, it worked.

I was sitting at the table, a blank paper in front of me, thinking. Okay, so pros and cons, huh? I sloppily wrote these two word on the paper, that side was meant for Joe, but the only thing I could of was: he’s my best friend.

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