Chapter 28 - Here we go

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Chapter 28 – Here we go

My friend aren’t normal. Because how is it okay for them to sign me up for some radio show, my own show. I am no good at this, so why? They really don’t seem to understand me at all. But of course, who is here to blame, is me, obviously. I wanted to find out who he is, my admirer. Who wouldn’t want to know. We all have that crazy dream that someone who we like, likes us.

To be honest, I have never experienced such a tornado, such a mess, like now. I went from a girl who hadn’t had a boyfriend, to a girl who couldn’t decide between boys. Oh, the irony. Once you have what you want, you’re not happy with it. When life gives you lemons, make sure they’re not poisonous.

So, here I was, standing in front of the building where my new job was supposed to be in. I bit my lip and stared at it. I didn’t have much time left, so I really needed to get my lazy ass inside and start doing what I got payed for.

„This is it,“ I sighed. Nobody said it was going to be easy, right? At least I didn’t get my hopes up. I expected the worst. And I was pretty sure, what I hoped, I was going to get. Oh, well. If I made it throught that day, I could conquer the world. Hah, good thing I didn’t believed what I was thinking. Otherwise I’d be in desperate need of a looney home.

I gathered myself and walked up to the door. When it closed behind me, and my eyes landed on a boy sitting behind the counter, I froze. This can’t be it, I’m not ready! I was freaking out. My heart was thumping so loud against my chest. Relax...relax, dude.

„Hi!“ I heard him say. „Can I help you?“

His tousled hair looked so much like Howard’s. Fuck, I really missed him...I mean Howard. I had been such a jerk to him. And he had been not so nice to me either. Why didn’t we speak to each other at the moment? Oh right, we had had a little fight.

„Yes, I believe you can,“ I nodded and then smiled, approaching the counter. „I am supposed to host a show...somewhere...possibly in here. Yes, here.“ God, how was I going to help to host the show, when I couldn’t even properly talk to that guy? They really had no idea where they had got themselves into. Good luck to them.

„That’s room 8, just down the hall,“ he pointed to his right. I noticed a leather band around his wrist. It had something written on it, but I couldn’t see from that far.

„Um, thanks,“ I said. I really didn’t want to go exploring the building all by myself. All by myself, don’t wanna be...all by myself...I shrugged the melody off. Get your shit together, girl.

For an almost goody-two-shoes, I swore a lot. Thankfully, it happened in my head most of the time.

So, I walked past him and along the corridor. I let my eyes slip on the number until I reached the door that had ’8’ painted on it. I was afraid to open it, but I did anyway after a pause to find some courage. There was nobody in. Fuck, I thought, nobody. Maybe he lied to me. After all, I am new here. Maybe it’s some kind of a tradition to play trick on the new girl? Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. That was a lot of swearing. Suddenly I felt someone stand behind me. It wasn’t their breath on my neck, nope. It was their presence, I could feel it.

I looked over my shoulder and quickly apologized. „Oh, I’m so sorry,“ I stepped out of the way, inside the room.

„No worries,“ a woman said. „So, you must be Madison, right?“ She seemed nice. Her blonde hair was in a messy bun, too perfect to be true. How could anyone make such a perfect bun? She must be an alien. An alien in her thirties, with green eyes.

„Yes, that’s me,“ I nodded. „Am I in the right room?“ I needed to clear that out.

„Uhuh,“ she smiled. „You thought the boy lied? Silly.“ She laughed her pefect laugh. Yup, definitely some extra terrestrial being. I felt so imperfect I wanted to throw up. Well, one point to the counter boy.

She set her stuff on the table and turned to me. „You have no idea what you’re doing, don’t you?“

I really wanted to belive she’s nice, so I decided to simply spill my guts aka tell the truth.

„Not a glue,“ I shook my head and nervously scratched the back of my head. „I hope I don’t have to talk that much today.“

„Well, you can start by getting me some coffee. That’ll minimize the talking,“ she said with a sigh. „And I promise, it won’t be that bad.“ She organized papers. „And if you want something for yourself, feel free. Food and drink are left from the counter. The door’s always open, so it shouldn’t be that hard. And if you need anything, you can ask me or counter boy,“ then murmuring, „whatever the hell his name is.“

Either she wasn’t nice at all, or just pretended to be nice, I had changed my opinion about her totally. I knew she was too perfect to exist.

I walked past the boy, who smiled at me. I couldn’t even look at him as he reminded me Howard. I couldn’t look at the mistakes I had made. They were written all over his face. I couldn’t bare the pain that came along with his piercing eyes. Well, I assume they were piercing, but who was I to talk. I hadn’t looked at him, only his hair.

I found the room and couldn’t resist the cookies and cupcakes. I ate some before I pourred some coffee for the alien lady, and hid some of the cookies in my pokets. Then, I returned to room 8. She wasn’t there, so I just sat on one of the chairs. There was mumbling from the small radio in the corner, so I turned the volume up a bit.

I just enjoyed the music.

Fifteen minutes later, the lady came back. It was weird how we started the show later. Like I said before, I had been almost late when I had been standing outside the building, and now, half an our had been lost as well. So, we finally entered the ’magic room’ inside room 8, where all the microphones were and were the show actually happened.

My palms started sweating, I was really nervous regardless of her telling me don’t be and so on. I saw the red light on the wall, which was a signal for ’you are ok, nobody can hear you’ as opposed to green that went on 10 seconds later. Before the light switch, she could ask me, „Ready?“ and I shook my head, but the show had begun. There was no escaping now. 

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