Ch. 6 ~Passing Time~

Start from the beginning

"He's no one. " Once the words escaped her lips she immediately felt guilty. In truth he is someone important to her. But she doesn't want Ally and Normani lecturing her late night sneak outs and meeting a total stranger at an empty park.

Normani nodded but Ally stares at her a little longer before turning back around in her seat. Letting out a relief sigh, Lauren lean back on her seat.

"So he's a nobody now, huh? " Dinah whisper as she lean closer to Lauren since she is sat next to the green eyed woman.

"He's not a nobody! " Lauren said a little to defensively.

"That's not what you said earlier. " Dinah raise her eyebrows teasingly.

"I. . . I just don't want to be judged Dinah. "

Dinah soften seeing the vulnerable look on her friend. "We're a family Lauren. Nobody would judge you. Heck, I'm even happy that you are moving on from. . .you-know-who. "

Lauren smiled softly at Dinah. "Thanks D. "

"Anytime Lauser. "

Shaking her head amusedly at Dinah's childish grin she turned her attention to the bright sky outside her window. As she let out an exhale her mind travels to the dream she had earlier. She understands why she dreamt of Harry---but why is Y/N in it? Especially when he was hovering her and saying 'I love you'. Her heart speeds up at the thought.

Lauren groan and shakes her head confusedly, "What are you doing to me Y/N? "


Y/N moved his hand forward then backward. Forward then backward. It was like a mantra. The mop in his hand and the floor beneath him are the only thing he could focus aside from the mantra his head insisted on repeating.

Forward and backward. Forward and then backward. He raise the mop and dipped it in the bucket beside him. After a few seconds, he raise it again but the reflection of him in the bucket of water made him stop. Dark circles line themselves underneath his eyes while his cheeks looks hollowed out but he had enough power to smile at the cause of it.

"The things I do for that girl. "

Y/N started mopping again; but this time he is thinking of the late nights he spent with Lauren. He couldn't get enough of his new friend. He thinks he could call her that after the laughs and smiles they shared. Each night they shared they always had something to talk about. Whether it be about their days or Lauren's stories when she was a child. As much as Lauren ask Y/N about his past or problems he could not and will not burden her with it despite her pouts and whines.

That's what friends do, right? He thought.

Y/N continued mopping, occasionally glancing at the different customers littering around Wal-Mart shopping. A young mother is laughing with her daughter as they shop; Another customer was an man with a briefcase in one hand as he looks through the contents of a cereal; The last customer in the isle Y/N is mopping at is a person---which Y/N guess is a woman with her body frame---with a hoodie covering her head and some comfortable looking sweatpants.

Wiping a drop of sweat from his eyebrow; Y/N propped his arm on an empty shelve while the other held the mop. Trying to fight sleep and getting in trouble with his boss, Y/N tries to find something else to do. From afar he could see the young mother tapping her foot impatiently while glancing at her watch while her daughter plays with her mother's fingers. Deciding to find out whats wrong; Y/N dip his mop on the bucket and push it as the wheels slide itself on the floor. Placing it at the side where his boss will not see---which Y/N hopes---He made his way to the young mother and child.

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