Happy New Year! Part One

Start from the beginning

"No Andrea. I think Marcus is looking for you, go somewhere with someone who wants you." That last part came out a little harsh but she had to leave me alone.

"Want me? Lukey, everyone wants me. I know you do too, come on, let's start the New Year off right." She purred seductively, and bit her lip.

"Andrea, leave me alone!" I shoved her against the wall away from me. I heard her gasp but I couldn't care less. I bolted into the kitchen, I approached the girl in the black dress, I must not have been thinking clearly cause I touched her shoulder. She stopped dancing, her shoulders tightened up and she straightened her posture.

"Hey, I'm sorry to startle you but I saw you dancing and—" the girl turned around, the startling look in her eyes made me feel like I'd been slapped across the face. "Lauren?" I gasped.

"Oh, uh, hey Luke." She raised her hand to push a strand of hair behind her ears, her hair was up but it was an old habit that had always been cute.

Neither of us could say anything, I don't think I've ever seen Lauren in a dress. The dress she wore was black as night, but when the light hit it, it shined like a disco ball. Her hair was up in a bun, her face had some makeup, but barely any was applied. Lauren didn't need makeup, she was already pretty without it. The dress looked a little tight on her, showing curves I never knew she had. It was also a little short, showing everyone how long and strong her legs were. I noticed she was taller than me, I gazed down to see that she was wearing shiny, golden heels. When did Lauren ever wear heels? And who convinced her to wear them?

"You look nice," I heard Lauren's voice say, she tightened her shoulders and crossed her legs in her nervous, defensive way. Gods she was cute when she did that.

"Oh, uh, thanks. You look...wow." Was all I was able to say. I wanted to tell her she looked pretty, I wanted to tell her that the dress looked really sexy on her. I wanted to tell her that she was easily the prettiest person at this party. But I couldn't, I was lost for words, my mouth was probably hanging open. I probably looked stupid but I felt like I was frozen. The lights overhead outlined her and she glowed like a goddess.

"Thanks," Lauren said, the two of us just stood there, unable to say anything to each other. Which was dumb because I'd known her for most of my life, she was my best friend, we've never felt this awkward around each other. "Uh, are you gonna say something, or just stand there like an idiot?" Lauren tried to ease the awkwardness between us. I think I laughed, maybe smiled, I'm not sure.

The longer I stared at her the more and more I was helplessly pulled into her trance. She was so beautiful and she had no idea. "Sorry, I just...you're just...you look really pretty Laur." I must've stammered like an idiot and my face must've flushed bright red because her cheeks blushed red from under her make up.

She reached to twirl a strand of hair that wasn't there, gods why was she adorable when she did that? I took a step closer to her, her hair looked nice, but I think we both liked it down better. I reached my arm up and took out the bobbie pins and the hair tie, holding her hair tightly above her head. Her hair fell down and bounced in slow motion like hair does in commercials, her eyes softened and met mine, they were striking and I loved that they met mine.

"Thanks, it felt like my face was being stretched." Lauren laughed shyly.

"No problem, your hair looks better down. Wild and free, just like you." I tucked a strand of her soft chestnut hair behind her ears, an old habit of mine.

Lauren rested her head on my hand, her cheeks felt so soft against my hand, she blinked slowly, like she was in a dream. Her green and brown irises swirled and mixed together perfectly, then I watched her eyes close slowly. This was it, I was finally going to kiss her. I closed my eyes and gently pulled her head towards mine. I could feel the warm air from her breathing brush against my skin, and my heart pounded in my ears. This was it, this was already exhilarating and I hadn't even kissed her yet.

Then the world shook and all I saw was black and I heard Lauren gasp.

"Ouch, gods what happened?" I found myself on the floor, apparently someone had bumped into me and giving us a drunken laugh. I rolled my eyes, gods that could've been my chance. But in a way I was ok with this, this wasn't exactly the ideal place for our first kiss. I wanted it to be memorable and private, not in the middle of chaos infested with drunk high schoolers.

"Luke, are you ok?" Lauren asked, her figure glowing above me.

"I'm alright." I answered, now snapped out Lauren's trance.

"I slapped Carrie, she fell into you. That bitch." Lauren growled.

That made me laugh, "yeah she's a bitch. Would you like to dance?" I asked, offering her my hand.

"Thought you'd never ask, bird brain. But I'm not that good at it." Lauren laughed.

"Don't worry, I'm terrible too. Remember the dance unit last year?" I grinned in memory, I was probably the worst dancer in our school.

"Oh gods yes, I remember." Lauren laughed and led me into an open space by the DJ station away from the speakers. For the longest time the two of us danced, spinning, laughing and just having a good time. Lauren was a liar, she was a great dancer, was there anything she couldn't do? After a while I felt parched, I think Lauren was too.

"Hey, I can get some water if you want." I offered.

"I got it, I'll be right back." Lauren said quickly and shoved her way towards the kitchen. I stayed in the same spot dancing by myself like an idiot, but it was fun.

After a few minutes Lauren hadn't come back yet, I was worried so I wandered towards the kitchen, until I heard someone scream, "somebody help me!"

A/N: dun, dun, da. Cliffhanger, I had to make this chapter two parts, it would be way too long for one. Hope you guys like the story!

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