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Rose POV
I felt warm lips press against mine. I kissed him back. We were in this super cringe moment and were probably gonna be stuck like that for a while if I didn't hear giggling. I saw a bright light flash and V running away.
"V! GIVE ME THAT PHONE RIGHT NOW! I WON'T BE YOUR BEST FRIEND IF YOU DON'T GIVE IT BACK NOW!!" I screamed while chasing him. All the others were running away from Jungkook.
I successfully got the phone and deleted the video. The evidence was gone. We all left to sleep after 20 minutes of convincing everyone that it was late enough. I was hoping that tonight I wouldn't have any nightmares. I slid into my bed but was restless. Jungkook being the suspicious little shit he is, noticed this. I gave up and stared at the ceiling.
"Kookie? Are you awake? I'm bored." I got no answer. "Seriously bro. I have very important questions. Like do you have potato chips? I want to eat a potato chip." I whispered. After getting no response I went to my phone. I unlocked it and checked through Instagram. I was bored.
That was until I got a text from an unknown number. I almost broke into tears when I realized who it was. The one. The only.
My step-father.
How did he get my number? What does he want now? Can't he leave me alone for one god damn second?
He wrote,
Unknown: I will find you and you will give me whatever I need. You thought running away from me would solve anything? You thought wrong. I have eyes everywhere. I don't care. You are going to help me whether you like it or not.
I had a mini war in my head. I debated whether I should reply or wait.
I decided to reply so that I could find a way to track down the location of where he was.
I wrote,
What the fuck do you want? I'm not giving you anything so stop. Leave me alone. Try what you want but just remember I'm on the police force so I can press charges against you and make sure you rot in prison for the rest of your life. Maybe I should ask for prosecution. You did abuse a child.
I smirked at what I wrote. He wouldn't be able to do anything. He has his ways of finding me but I have ways of beating him. I'm always one step ahead.
I tried going back to sleep and wondered whether I should tell all the other people. I do trust them but I'm scared about what my 'father' would do.
I slept in until 11 am because it was the weekend. My favourite time of the week. Saturday. The only that would ruin it would be telling everyone that 'hey guess what? My father is back and he wants to kill me. Crazy right?'. I slumped out of bed and made my way to the bathroom.
Something was wrong. I had this feeling. I was craving something. I needed something.
No. I have to fight this feeling again. I don't wanna be trapped like last time.
I slowly started to ignore everything around me. I made my way to the bathroom and locked the door. Jungkook wasn't anywhere to be found so I assumed that he was in the living room watching TV with everyone. No one would really notice what I was doing. The feeling became to much for me to ignore.
I found a razor.
Here goes. I thought. I took the blades out of the razor and threw it out. I pressed the first blade against my wrist. It didn't do much but I managed to cut through my skin. The second blade was much sharper. I hissed in pain when I felt the cold metal break my skin. The blood seeped out of the fresh cut. The third blade was the best. It was the sharpest. I cut about 6 times with that blade. I had cut about 9 other times.
If anyone had asked I would say I was bored. I would never mention the craving I felt. But it's not like they could get rid of that feeling. If anyone else saw them, they would report it and off to the asylum I go. I mean I cut myself because I was bored. Does that not seem just a little bit psychotic to you?
I wrapped the cuts after I got out of the shower. Today was a debriefing. I had to show up to the station and explain the case. I honestly thought it was unnecessary but I don't wanna be fired so I still prepare a report. After I combed my hair I realized something. I didn't have a full sleeve shirt. Or a jacket. I would have to walk out of the room with bandages in my arms. That would obviously expose everything. I don't wanna be caught again. The cutting was just addicting.
I opened the door and peeked into the room. No one was there. I silently thanked the gods and ran to get my sweatshirt. I threw it on and walked out of my room calmly. There was something else I noticed. I ran and checked the calendar. The day was October 22. Tomorrow was my birthday. The one day I hated the most. Why you ask? Because it's the day my mother died. And the day my depression went through the roof.
Everyone else was apparently gone somewhere so I had the entire house to myself.
"Guys are you home? Where are you guys?" I yelled. All I got was silence. That was the only response I got. Silence. Silence. And more silence. This was great. I had some time to track the texts that my father sent me. I got the phone and my laptop. I linked the two and started to hack into the account. I got past everything. I started to find the location of where he was and almost burst into a thousand pieces when I saw where he was.
He was in Seoul, South Korea and he was at the front of the dorm. At the same time I heard a knock at the door. I checked the camera and saw that it was him. My father was right in front of the door waiting for someone to open it. I was home alone and my phone was close to the counter by the door. Shit. The team was gone somewhere else but I had no idea where.
He kept banging on the door. I panicked and ran to my room and locked the door. The door had burst open. I was way to quiet. I heard him grab a knife from the kitchen and make his way to my room. He was right in front of my room. I had no weapons and my phone was on the other side of the dorm. I was dead.
He opened the door slowly and saw me.
"Finally. Miss me bitch?" He said. I got so angry at him but controlled my emotions. I was gonna make him waste his energy so that I could beat him in the end. He got the knife and pressed it against my neck immediately. He started kicking me in the stomach. My rib cage was basically dying and I was going numb. He started to push me around until he got in the bathroom. He threw me into the bathtub and made my tailbone break due to the impact. I could barely move. He continuously hit me and soon started cutting my arms. I was crying and screaming but that didn't effect him at all. He got out a gun and shot me in the stomach 3 times. I started coughing up blood and gasping for air. I don't know how I was still alive.
He paused and started listening to everything. I was whimpering and then tears wouldn't stop falling. He got mad at me because he was trying to focus and my crying got in the way. He got a rag from the counter and put it in my mouth. I could barely breathe. He got up and ran to the window. He didn't leave before saying this, "I'm not done with you yet." I passed out after because of the pain.
I woke up 15 minutes later only to see my arm, forehead and stomach covered in blood. I got my wrists out of the ropes and took the rag out of my mouth. I tried sitting up but I could barely move. I winced at the pain I felt from my spine and the bullets stuck in my stomach. I slowly pulled myself up and struggled to breathe. I opened the door and tried calling out.
"J-Jungkook? A-Are y-you h-here? J-Jennie? Anyone?" I coughed. I slowly made my way out of the room and saw my phone on the kitchen floor. I used up the rest of my energy and dialled Jungkook's number. It continued to ring and ring until I heard a familiar voice.
"Hey Rose. Sorry we left. We uh had to get some groceries. Hope you don't mind. We're about 4 minutes away from the dorm. What's wrong?" Jungkook asked me. I smiled but then couldn't stay awake any longer. My broken bone hurt and the bullet in my stomach wasn't making it any better. I managed to say one thing before I blacked out.
"I-I love you Jungkook."

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