Chapter 21: Neverland Misadventures - Eris

Start from the beginning

Eris' memories were hazy, but Wendy  felt her pain clearly. The feelings were so familiar. She felt loneliness...resentment...and chaos. Wendy recognized them all too well...they were feelings she suffered everyday as a shadow worker.

Distantly, Eris spoke.

"You understand, don't you? You understand my pain, you see it in yourself. Shadow working gives us great power...but it also gives us great misfortune. I've been shunned my entire life...even by my own family."

Eris squeezed. A memory flashed across Wendy's mind,

Two sisters, Eris' sisters. Both were blonde, their faces were blurred, but their fear of Eris was tangible

"And you?" Eris probed Wendy's palms, pulling at her memories. "You've been hurt too...haven't you?"

Wendy cringed. A battery of memories appeared, but this time they were hers.

Mermaids drowning her in a pool – Peter's shadow ripping from his body – Pirates carving SHADOW WORKER into her forearm – Pitch Black manipulating her dreams, controlling her mind –

Wendy stepped back, but Eris held tight.

"Think of everything we can learn together." Eris said. "Think of everything we can share. I've been alone all my life. I've always wanted to meet someone like me. I'm so glad Queen Illysa brought me to you."

"Illysa?" Wendy's awareness snapped to the present. Memories dissolving, she pulled away from Eris and extracted her magical needle. "Queen Illysa brought you here? Why? What is it you want?"

"She wanted to meet you." Queen Illysa appeared at Wendy's shoulder. Reflective eyes flashing, she steered Wendy and Eris away. "And I thought it was a good idea. Come...let me introduce you in private."

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Queen Illysa escorted Eris and Wendy from the baby shower. Normally, Wendy would have flagged Ariel to the situation, but she was too busy rebuking Shadow for socializing with Eris ("How many times have I told you? Don't talk to strangers!")

But there was another reason Wendy didn't alert Ariel. She was curious. Despite her initial surprise, Wendy was fascinated with Eris. Not only was Eris a shadow worker, but she seemed genuinely pleased to make Wendy's acquaintance. She wanted to be friends because Wendy was a shadow worker.

Correction: Eris wanted to be friends because Wendy was a 'fellow' shadow worker.

Very few people had admired Wendy because she was a shadow worker. Some people respected her, but there was always a caveat.

For instance: Headmaster Mickey had called her magical power 'a gift' but cautioned against its dangers. Hiccup (Fantasia's Viking Chief) was spellbound her abilities, but his interest was purely academic (were it up to Hiccup, Wendy would be subject to every scientific experiment known to man). Even Jim and King Arthur, two of her greatest allies, harbored a healthy fear of shadow working.

But Eris did not. It was strange, but interacting with Eris made Wendy feel...accepted. Almost warm. The feeling of camaraderie was tantalizing. So, although Wendy didn't fully trust Eris, she was willing to listen.

Queen Illysa stopped. "In here." she said, motioning to an empty court chamber. "Quickly. The party won't last much longer."

"Pitty." Wendy muttered, sliding past the queen. "It was going so well."

Wendy didn't see, but Queen Illysa smiled. Pleased that Wendy was astute (albeit sarcastic) she shut the door.

The party chatter faded as they entered the court chamber. It was a large, intimidating place. The walls were thick and all windows were drawn, heightening the feel of secrecy. The judge's bench, bailiff stand, and jury box were elevated above the opposing counsel tables, which were surrounded by blood pressure, heart rate, and brainwave monitors (medical lie detectors).

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