“I swear for goodness,” yelled Dion as he disconnected the feed to Orchid.  “That woman is the dumbest person in the universe!”  Dion stood and stared around the white walls of the office inside his father’s transport.  “Now the question is should I report this to father or keep it to myself until I have more information?” 


Ah’Taria – Lucas and Kayla's Suites

“Ladies, I believe you know Xara?”  Kevin smiled mischievously at Kayla and Ebony as he pushed Xara forward towards the table they sat at.

Ebony stirred sugar into her lemonade as she stared puzzled at Xara.  “There’s something different,” she murmured to herself as she stared at the loose peasant dress of red, creams and gold with the high neck.

“Do you think,” whispered Kayla as she leaned toward Ebony her eyes never leaving Xara’s face.

“Yes,” hissed Ebony.  With a warm smile she waved a hand toward an empty seat.  “Sit down Xara don’t act as if you’re a stranger.”

Xara released a carefree laugh as she sat down, “Of course!”  Xara tossed a flame red lock over her shoulder as she watched Kayla pour her a glass of lemonade, “It’s just been too long since I’ve seen you two.”

Kayla nodded, “Two weeks.  What have you’ve been doing with yourself?”

Xara tapped her chin, “I’ve been helping Sebastian with his studies.”

Ebony smiled when Xara sipped the lemonade and winced.  “What else have you been doing,” asked Ebony as she passed her the sugar with a knowing wink.

Kayla pouted as she watched Xara add sugar to the lemonade. “Why do you both think the lemonade need sugar,” she whined jokingly.  “I think something is wrong with both your taste buds.”

“It’s a little sour for my taste but it doesn’t need as much sugar as Ebony added,” laughed Xara as she pointed toward the sugar at the bottom of Ebony’s glass.  “That is way too much!”

“Oh okay,” replied Kayla as she sent Kevin a very confused look.  With a smile she rose, “I need to speak to Kevin for a second.”  She laughed when she saw that Xara and Ebony were too engrossed in talking about sugar to notice her leave.

Kayla grabbed Kevin’s arm and propelled him toward the stairs as she whispered fiercely, “What did you do to Xara?”

“I didn’t do anything,” answered Kevin as he stared at the laughing Xara.  “Sebastian gave her a little push in the right direction.”

“A little push,” asked Kayla as she turned to stare at the lively woman.  “What did he do give her a compete lobotomy?”  Kayla pointed toward Xara, “I’m happy to see she’s more animated and lively but what of all the abuse and dama-?”

“Xara doesn’t remember any of that,” sighed Kevin as she gazed a Kayla.  “Can you not be happy for her?  She no longer walks around with her head held low, afraid of  her own shadow.”

“Of course, I’m a happy about that!”  Kayla lowered her voice when she saw that both Ebony and Xara stared at her with questioning looks.  “What of the consequences?”

“She has nightmares but Sebastian and I are there,” smiled Kevin as he rocked back on his heels.

Kayla shook her head as she pulled Kevin up the stairs further away from Ebony and Xara. “What is your end game?  After really getting to know your true personality I doubt you did this to be nice,” spat Kayla as she glare at Kevin.  “You and Jacob are definitely birds of a feather.”

The Academy - Book IIIWhere stories live. Discover now