My mother bustled in and smothered me in a hug the strong scent of perfume making me gag. My father stood in the corner rigidly his face expressionless. There was a tall doctor with them who was obviously not going to leave us alone which secretly relieved me.

"Oh Castiel we were so worried about you!" My mother said over dramatically.

I forced a smile. I was tempted to say sorry or something, but I wasn't sorry, so I said nothing.

My mother rambled on for a few seconds and my father stood there in silence.

"It looks like you'll be able to come home soon."  My mother said. I was surprised, I'd expected moths of intensive therapy, maybe even a rehab place for a little while. But trust my parents to get me out of all of that. I wasn't exactly grateful as deep down I knew I'd probably be safer away from home but I wasn't keen on the alternative either so going home didn't sound too bad anymore. 

After a short while Jody bustled in and told them I needed to rest. My parents were escorted out and Jody pulled up a chair when the door was safely shut. 

"So what's the deal? Are you really ok going home? Because you know I can change that if you just tell me what's up." She was much more serious than her usual upbeat persona. 

I was silent. What do I say to that. My parents weren't dangerous. I don't think. 

"You see Cas, I have two daughters at home, both about your age. Well they're foster daughters but what's the difference. Anyway why do you think I'm here so often? Obviously I like you honey but mostly it's because not too long ago one of my girls Claire was in the same position as you. You remind me of her. And my other girl Alex, before I got to her she was part of a very abusive family.

Now don't get me wrong I'm not accusing you family of being abusive, but I know the look of a child deeply afraid of their parents and I've seen it from you one too many times."

I was astounded. "My parent's aren't abusive. But they are strict, and strongly disagree with some parts of me and my actions." 

"Things like Dean?" Jody sighed. 

I nodded a lump growing in my throat. 

"Well as long as you can promise me you'll be ok. And if you ever need, you can just give me a ring." Jody grabbed a napkin, wrote down a number and pushed it into my pocket. 

"Thank you." I smiled. 

I didn't get to see Jody again to say goodbye. My parents were adamant to get me home literally the day later and it was all very rushed.

The drive home was excruciating. The silence hurt my ears almost as much as the disapproving looks from my parents hurt my feelings. 

We got home and my father summoned me into the kitchen immediately. He and my mother pulled up a chair. I was too nervous to do the same. I should have expected this. 

"Castiel, we need to talk." His voice was stern and I was already ready to burst into tears. 

"We were contacted by your school. They had information about what could have possessed you to do the things you've done." Shit, my knees almost gave way. I held onto the counter to study myself.

"Your principal, Mrs Naomi told us there'd been some issues with bullying. You had been part of the school counselling group." He was telling me this as if I didn't already know it. I felt sick. 

"She told me you were being bullied because there were rumours that you were." He paused but I already knew what he was going to say. "you were, a homosexual."

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