The Evening That Changed Everything: Part 7

Start from the beginning

Helen swallowed hard, clutching at her throat. "Listen, no one gives you the right to do such inhuman things to anyone. I will pay your EMIs on the condition that you let this little girl go. She is so talented. She'll grow up and earn whatever she owes you and pay you back."

Machhi dropped his head back in laughter.

"The only person who makes conditions here is me," declared Machhi. "Apart from Bhau, of course," he said flashing a sheepish smile in the direction of Bhau.

"In fact, I'm hoping you won't pay your EMIs. Because then I'll make you my personal slave," said Machhi. "As it is, this one's headed to the market soon. I obviously need a replacement that's as good or better."

"No!" screamed Helen.

"And what could be better than this?" said Machhi, moving his pointed finger up and down in the direction of Helen's body.

"I won't let her go!" Helen hugged the little girl tightly.

"Ah, so now you are the big sister, I see," said Machhi, withdrawing and walking a few steps away. "You couldn't save your sister, so now you want to save this little piece of shit."

Helen held on to the girl tightly.

"Okay!" said Machhi in a loud voice. "She is free to go."

Helen looked at him suspiciously.

"As long as you'll do what I ask you to."

"What do you mean?" asked Helen.

"We are going to have an event here. When everything is in readiness, I'll whistle. The girl can set off from here and run as far as she can, and no one will go after her," declared Machhi. "But before she can start running, I'm going to put you through a test."

Helen looked on with a deadpan expression.

"Since you brought up my manhood, I'm going to shove something down your throat, and we'll see how long you can go without gagging. The moment you gag, I'll send someone after the girl."

Helen froze, unsure whether she had heard Machhi correctly.

"Machhi!" said Bhau sternly. "This is not the place to do such a thing."

"Ah, too bad!" said Machhi. "You perhaps don't like the idea of my having fun alone, then?"

Bhau glared at Machhi.

Machhi, looked away, curled up each end of his moustache, and thought for a few moments. Then he turned back toward Helen.

"Ok, you'll have to do a perfect headstand and maintain that position. The moment your legs cease to be vertical, someone will go after the girl."

Helen clawed at her cheeks. "Not with this dress on," she whispered.

"Then take it off; I don't mind!" said Machhi, casting a salacious gaze at her.

Helen's face turned ashen.

"Give me another challenge. I have not tried a headstand since I was her age."

"You think you have options? She owes me tens of lakhs. Do this if you want to or fuck off from here. Don't waste my time," said Machhi scornfully. "You women have begun thinking of yourselves as heroes these days."

"What if someone still sets off after her?" contested Helen.

"No one will. I swear by my mother," said Machhi, pinching his throat. "And if anyone does..."

Machhi took off a gun wedged in his trousers and placed it on the ground near Helen's feet.

"Shoot whoever chases after her."

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