The Evening That Changed Everything: Part 6

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"Let's gang up, dump the whole mess on the men, and flee," said Bhau.

The associates went up in laughter. "Story of life, Bhau!" remarked one of them.

Helen gave Bhau a dirty look.

"All right. Let's get to work. All of you, take pictures and videos of the car and the dead body. Make sure the number plate is clearly captured," Bhau told his associates. The men whipped out their mobile phones and started taking pictures and videos using their mobile phones.

"Stop it," screamed Helen.

The men paid no heed.

Helen covered Karishma's face with her hands. One of the men walked up to her and kicked her hands away, sending them flying into the trunk of the car, leaving a muddy mark on one of Karishma's cheeks. Helen's hands dropped limp for a few moments. She looked daggers at the man, who smirked back at her. Then he turned around, took out his mobile phone, and clicked a series of selfies with her and Karishma, making orgasmic faces.

"You'll all pay for this," said Helen nodding to herself, breathing in and out through her mouth. Then, with some effort, she moved her hands and examined her knuckles. Then she weakly held the left side of her head, grimacing with pain.

"While we wait for tai and Machhi, let's hear what really happened," Bhau said to Londhe.

"Bhau, please trust me--we weren't trying to plant the body here. I was taking it to the crematorium, and Helen held a knife to my neck and asked me to take the body to Mumbai for organ donation"

Bhau gave Helen an intense look. Helen did not make eye contact.

"How did she die?" said Bhau.

"She most probably starved herself to death," said Londhe.

Helen gave Londhe a dirty stare.

"That's called suicide. Are you telling me she committed suicide?"


"So where's the suicide note?"

"She didn't write one"

"Tsk. Tsk. What an unfashionable way to commit suicide."

"Don't each of you forget all the things you have said about my sister. I'm going to make you pay for all this," said Helen.

"How did you find out about the death?" Bhau asked Londhe.

"Karishma's phone was switched off for several days so I guess Helen suspected something's wrong"

"So she could've been saved had Helen arrived earlier. Tsk. Tsk. What has the world come to. Sisters have become heartless these days. Look at tai for example."

Helen shut her eyes tightly.

A large and fancy vehicle approached at a distance, with a Bollywood item number playing at full volume on its audio system.

The vehicle stopped, and the door on the side of the driver opened. A man of average height and built stepped out. The man walked over to the side of the vehicle and rapped hard at the body. The trunk opened and a diminutive figure stepped out. The man started walking toward Bhau, the figure following, maintaining a distance. The man had unremarkable looks except for a thick, curled-up moustache. He wore glares and walked with a forced swag. As he noticed Helen, he stopped short in his tracks and took off his glares. He drank in her sight, inhaling slowly and loudly, his face twisting lecherously. The small figure came forth--it was an exquisitely beautiful little South-Indian girl around ten, give or take a year. She had a somber expression on her face, and her eyes were lowered.

Helen Goes for Mr. SundayHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin