Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Somehow, I woke up from my bed. It seemed that I've had the habit of unknowingly ending up here when ever something happens. I yawned and reached for my phone. The sound of it vibrating was what woke me up. I pulled down the brightness and opened up the message.

Edyth: I'm not feeling well. Not going to school today.

This was strange for several reasons: werewolves rarely get sick, she was fine yesterday, she texted me, she doesn't normally talk and the fact that she did inform me, rather than telling Elise to do it. I put my phone down and then rolled back over, my pillow caressing my cheek. And then it hit me. I was alone. As much as last night was unexpected, I still wanted to check on Bryn, even if it meant that I couldn't talk to him. It was enough motivation for me to break up with my bed and get up and get ready. Sadly, I didn't have a second impressing boy outfit, so I just thought of Bryn and his black plaid shirts. I put one on and tucked it in a skirt, grabbed some slippers and went down. Dad was buried in his office as usual, so he wouldn't notice or yell at me for not taking the car. It looked like a good day to do some walking. Maybe I was inspired by yesterday.

To be honest, a part of me wondered if he would even be at the hammock. The guy I saw last night definitely wouldn't be lying in something as peaceful as that. He'd be in the forest. When I closed my eyes I saw them both, one sitting down, the familiar one I saw at school each day, the one that snuck his ways in my dream but now standing- yes, for some reason I couldn't tell, this one was standing. Just like how he was before all of the injuries he never seemed to miss. It was the gentle waves of a calm night against the harsh currents of an angry storm. But these two images overlapped. They existed as one, because I didn't know who Bryn Conall is. I only knew fragments, and they were coming together. They already were because I saw something new when I looked up at him on the hammock. It suddenly seemed wrong for me to doubt that he would be up there, but also to think that this version was vulnerable.

"Hey." He said, and I tilted my head to look at his voice. There was an odd silence between us and I panicked for a moment, wondering of this was a mistake. Maybe I wasn't ready to see him just yet. But then he was looking slightly at me between strand of hair covering his face and patted the space beside him. "Come up."

Now, I didn't even question how I would even possibly get up there or everything I've been stressing about. Instead I walked to the spot right below him. His arm came down and I reached up to grab it, palm hitting palm, fingers curling, thumb gripping. Using the tree, and mostly support from his pulling hand I felt myself lifting off the ground. He reached with his other hand and grabbed my torso when I came up high enough- then pulled me up completely. Thank-god for his arms.

"Oh." I huffed when I finally got over and fell to his side. A blush was starting to form, so I pulled back and straightened my skirt. So this was it. I was finally sitting beside him on the tree. I had to remember this.

The hammock waved a little under our weight. The wind glazed through his hair, tips hitting mine. I sighed and leaned back against my elbows. I was being a bit dramatic but the sun was half way in the sky and even though we were just watching half of the sunrise, I felt so at peace.

"How long have you been sitting here?" I asked, because for me it felt like eternity, and it felt like this was the only place he belonged in the morning. I couldn't imagine him anywhere else. And I couldn't imagine him before now.

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