Chapter 22

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"Okay nobody panic. Sometimes storms take the power out." I said. Although, it was clear to me after a while that it wasn't one of those times when the light would instantly come back on.

"Are you kidding me? It's terrible!" Delilah shouted. Wasn't she supposed to be mature?


"We're all going to die!"

"Ahhhhh!" One of them ran away screaming, but since they couldn't see a thing, they hit Kain's closet and freed him.

"I thought I was dying. Whoa, why is it so dark here?" Kain huffed as he came out. Okay maybe I wasn't being fair to them. I had a little bit of night vision. I could actually see, unlike them. But they all did seem abnormally afraid of the dark. They were huddled together and seemed to want to merge into one giant being. The lighting flashed again but looked kind of creepy.


"Calm down. It's okay." I tried to comfort them but my experience with younger people was limited. Really, it was completely useless if singing the campfire song would not cheer them up.

"No it's not. The darkness doesn't mean just anything." Mal said.

"We could all be gone. We'd be picked up one by one."' Elko added. What the heck were they talking about?

"Guys! Where are Ana and Owen?" Izzy asked. How could I forget about them? They didn't show up when we were all near the stairs. Where could two little children be, in the dark? The other kids were all too panicked to even notice them gone. This is why there needed to be an older person here.

"Ana, Owen? Where are you guys?" I asked.

"Over here!" Ana replied and she sounded like she was in the kitchen.

"Okay. Stay there. I'm coming." It got a bit darker suddenly and I could only vaguely see. I'd just have to feel my way around.

"Wait!" A voice cried and grabbed my waist.

"Who is this?" I asked. I really couldn't tell. I couldn't smell either, aside from  Bryn, they all smelled the same. Human.

"Don't leave me alone here." Izzy muttered. Her head was buried into my back, a little too soon for this kind of gesture but funny because it seemed like she thought she was the toughest person not so long ago.

"I have to get your little siblings." I told her.

"Take us too!" Elko chirped. I couldn't tell where his voice was coming from.

"I can't hold on to all of you."

"Awwwww." They sounded so scared. Boom. Maybe the lighting was a bit loud?

"Okay hold onto someone near you and then we'll go." I waited a bit and heard them moving. Another arm wrapped around mine. Everyone was connected and no one seemed to whine anymore so I started moving.

"Follow my steps. And be quiet." I told them and they did. I moved and carefully felt for empty space to walk through. Where was my phone when I needed it? We awkwardly moved as one big group. They were terrified little things and I was their savior. Really, how long would it take for the power to return?

"Ana?" I asked.

"Over here!" She replied, still from the kitchen.

"Can you find me too?" Owen asked, though I wasn't too sure where he was.

"Okay, can one of you guys go find Owen?"

"No!" They all shouted at once. Well that settles it then. I went to find Ana first because I knew where she was. There was furniture on the way on the floor, a table in a place where a table shouldn't be. I carefully put away what I thought I could, which really meant just pushing it away to the side since by now I was almost blind. But I could smell her, well they all smelled similar to me right now, but she being away from me stood out.

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