Chapter 5

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When I woke up today, I realized I had the best sleep I had in a while. Why? Because it was dreamless.  That was probably a good omen to my bad weak. I got out of my bed and went over to my washroom to get ready for the day.

I was always tired in the morning, so extremely cold showers were my key to waking up. After a few minutes, I was ready to get dressed.

I walked into my room with my towel and peered at my clothing in my closet. Any other girl in my situation would have turned to the protection of baggy sweats and giant hoodies. I wasn't any other girl. I searched through the closet, and found my favourite white laced, knee length dress. I slipped on some shorts underneath and put on a denim jacket over the dress. I walked over to my dresser. I didn't have it in me to put on any make up today. It didn't matter anyways. As self-centered as it sounded, I was naturally gorgeous. I ran my comb through my hair, and then turned towards my rack shoes. What should I wear? High-heels would make me feel taller and boost my confidence. But what if I break a heel? There goes my confidence. I could always pick up the piece of heel that broke off, it would be sharp and I would take it and stab a certain person in the heart thousands of times, and then stab his mate in the face until- Whoa. I thought I was over this. I took a deep breath. Okay, no high heels for me. I grabbed a pair of white flats and went down stairs. I glanced at the time and realized I was late. I guess I have to buy lunch today. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and walked outside.

As I stood on my front porch, and glanced at the street, the trouble of my situation was clear. Liam used to drive me to school.  The only thing I have is a motorcycle. No way was I going to ride that in a dress. I guess I'll have to walk. I groaned and pulled myself onto the sidewalk. I already was halfway into first period.

It wasn't that I didn't like walking, I just felt vulnerable. I was all alone and that would make me seem like a loser, which I refused to be. I'd be okay though. From the time right now, I could tell that I was going to miss first and second period. Being late was one thing, while being absent was totally different. Absence will show cowardliness. Liam had my first class with me, and if I didn't show up, he would think that he has one on me. Plus gossip spreads around like wildfire, and everyone would think that I am weak. The future Alpha is too scared to face her ex. She is a coward, fearful, unstable. Let's challenge her! NO! I huffed some air out and increased my pace. I forced my mind to wonder off to other thoughts, as the school building came to view. Like I thought before, the time was just starting third period when I reached my locker. I opened it with one hand and rummaged through it. My reflection in the tiny mirror had me jump back, my hair was everywhere. I quickly grabbed my books, shut the locker and flattened my hair as I walked to my next class.

"Ahh Arabelle. I see you've finally showed up." My teacher said. Wow, no need to address my entrance. I shrugged my shoulders and took my seat. He took out his attendance and fixed my name, as if he was expecting me to arrive. I noticed the people around me still decided to keep their focus on me. Their eyes peered wide, trying to analyze me for any sign of weakness. They all seemed the same to me, the humans and the wolves. After all I would be considered human myself right now. I let out a loud annoyed sound, and everyone seemed even more interested.

"What? Can't someone be mad about being late to school?" I asked. My teacher ignored my question, and continued on with the lesson.

"As I was saying, we will review yesterday's homework on page 89. If you have any questions please ask now." He said and waited for a few minutes. The class was still too distracted to care. I knew that I ruled this place but I didn't know that they were this interested in me. I wish they weren't. I didn't need my strengthened senses -which I don't have right now- to know that I was all that was on their minds. They were talking about me, glaring at me, craving to have contact with me. They wanted to break me down in my fragile state, or somehow gain a chance to become my friend. I looked over at a small nerdy girl and saw that like the others she was staring in my direction. I glared at her, and she whimpered slightly while turning away. I imagined that I looked unstable and dangerous to her at the moment. She probably thought I would jump out and attack her. Maybe I would if she didn't turn away when I wanted her to. The attention was suddenly beginning to become too much. Who knew that would ever happen? That I, Arabelle Shaw, future alpha, queen bee of the school and the girl every girl wants to be, has enough attention? I decided to change that for now. I was too tired to do anything else, so I looked over to the girl in the front, Sophie. She was far too weak and would help me. Her gaze met mine and I stared her down. She broke away and raised her hand.

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