Chapter 23

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"Dad?" I asked. He was far too carried away to notice me standing in front of his door. The new alert from the rouges occupied his mind and he had to track them- nothing else had crossed his mind after the four wolves returned and were rushed to the healer where they were mending pretty quickly for people with such damaged. He didn't even remember that I was out at the time or even notice when I returned. Now was the only time I could talk to him, since he was flocked for so long by his Beta and Delta.

"Dad!" I repeated. He grumbled and looked at me.

"Now is not the time, Arabelle." He replied. He used my full name- it meant he wasn't really in the mood to deal with me and he needed me to know. I didn't care. He had to know that I was there. This was important! Why else would I ever wake up early before school and come and talk to him?

"Dad. It's serious, it's about last night."

"Arabelle, really. I'm under a lot of pressure right now. Four of my own are injured!" He stressed out every word in that sentence as if it would get me to go away.

"I was there! I saw the rouges. All of them!"

"What?" He asked and he shut his book completely. "Weren't you at that human boy's house?"

"Yes, I was over there, with his siblings. The power went out too, and we saw them. They were attacking our pack but our pack managed to get free."

Dad stared at me completely dumb folded. "You are telling me that the power went out yesterday, and dangerous rouges were fighting in the middle of a human neighborhood?"

"Yes, Dad that was what happened."

"Well, why didn't you tell me this earlier?" That was what I was trying to do all along. I sighed.

"Yesterday really didn't seem like it was a good time for you, actually I even had trouble right now trying to talk to you." I explained.

"Well next time just say it right away. This is important, Arie! I can't believe I just found about this now! I want you to tell me everything now. Who was there, how old were they, when did the power go out, what did you do, and what happened with the rouges." He demanded. I decided to not tell him about Bryn ditching me. I honestly didn't want my dad to be pissed off at him even before he had properly met him, and telling him what really happened would. I sat down on one of the spare chairs that were near the door and took a breath to tell Dad all he needed to know. He sat patiently, thank-fully and didn't answer.

"Alright, so Bryn asked me to babysit his sibling since his parents were gone for doctor appointments and he couldn't do it himself. I'm not going to bother with his siblings, but there are 10 of them, ages 3 - 12. We were all just playing and I was watching them when the storm came and later on the power went out. I was getting them organized when one went over to the curtains to look outside and there, he saw the wolves. They actually all just thought they were normal wolves. The four from our pack were pretty injured already and the other ones were cornering them. They got caught after and were being dragged away, but then they fought back and freed themselves. Oh, I forgot to mention! I tried communicating with one of the ones with our pack, and she told me to hide. After they left, I distracted the younger ones and made a camp with them in the middle of the living room." I finished. Dad frowned with creases forming across his forehead. He rubbed his temples with the bottom of his palm and then looked up.

"I can't believe I missed so much, and you. How can I be sure that the rouges were not there for you?" His question seemed to be like it was more for himself than for me.

"I'm not sure we will know until you visit the pack members. Are they in stable conditions?" I asked him.

"Actually, most of them are fine and are in bed at home." He told me. I gave him a look of surprise. That quickly? They probably have casts somewhere.

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