Chapter 16

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I don't know where I am. The only thing apparent really was that this is a dream. But it wasn't a normal dream. I've had enough of these to know clearly that it was a vision of some sort, only it was a bit different- altered. The biggest thing that was noticeable to me was the lack of Annalise's presence. I couldn't even feel her in my mind. She was nowhere here. Then where could I be? What was this? And who even sent it? Oh great, another set of mysterious to solve, and adding to that is the fact that normally I don't even think this much in my visions. The only thing I knew was that this would be busy. I can't really move that much by myself, and my body is dragged to a blank space of nothing. A girl around my age whimpers in the middle and I feel my heart begin to sink for her. I don't know what it is, but something about her calls out to me and I wanted to fix whatever it was that was wrong. But I couldn't move or speak. I could only helplessly watch as she suffered through whatever misery that was brought upon her. This isn't funny! I tried to scream at whoever it was showing me this. I was screaming at myself as well, in the case that this was a manifestation of my own mind. How could I even be thinking of this? And why was I given a girl who looked to be in a much more terrible condition than I was on the night of my shift?

"Oh no, please." She muttered. I found it terribly hard to stop asking her what because she would never be able to reply. "I can't do this anymore." She pleaded and her fingers scratched at the ground in front of her. Her fingertips left ghostly marks across the floor and gnawed her nails. "Max." She whispered and collapsed. I was given more clips of her, walking aimlessly. Her hair flew wildly as she struggled to take even another step into eternity. She was lost both inside and out, and I was helpless because I had no way of helping her. I couldn't tell if she was a human or shifter, but it didn't matter. I was a soon to be Alpha. I had to know how to help anyone in general as part of my judgement and my ability to protect people under my care. So why am I failing with her? I'm not failing, I'm only beginning. She'll be the task that I will have trouble to complete. A challenge in my already a hard journey. Why do visions have to be deep? Where was Annalese when I need her? When this girl needs her?

The scene was warped suddenly by splashes of something dark which eventually took up everything I saw and then disappeared all at once. For some reason it hits me that I'm the one that's needed, not needing when it changes from a girl to a familiar lanky boy that tries his best to stay away from my interaction. Why would Bryn need me? And why was Bryn suffering now?'


The image of Bryn curled up on the ground, minus the wheel chair and any visible cast, haunted me since I woke up. I was beginning to become very afraid for him and it hurt me to be so far from him. I had to know what was happening right now. I had to help him.

I sighed and trudged down the tiny hallway of my house. I woke up earlier than I planned to- which was also early. I couldn't really go back to sleep after seeing the image in my head and I lay tossing and turning all night before I decided I had enough. That enough just so happened to be right now, almost 5:00 in the morning. Mom and dad wouldn't even be up yet, unless there was an emergency and the whole house was pretty quiet except for the sounds of my feet dragging across the floor.

I went to a room fairly close to mine. It was pretty silly because the last time I did this was two years ago and right now I was almost a woman. I guess I'm still a child at heart, and I will always be an older sister. Brady's, Theo's and Julian's shared room was a mess. They all did have their own room, my parents knew that one day as teenagers they would have a fit if they had to share one and as similar as they seem at times, they all had distinct tastes. This room I was in right now was once their nursery, then a supposed guest room but really became where they would sleep. They were still pretty young, having not started kindergarten yet, and apparently sleeping in three or more shoed away the evil monsters.

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