Day 86

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Today I walked three-fourths of a mile. For those of you have never been unable to walk that might not sound like a great accomplishment, but for the last two years, I have struggled through tendonitis and shin splints and have gone months at a time hardly able to walk around my house. I was diagnosed with a condition that would make me prone to issues such as those, but I refuse to let it control my life. It would be very easy to sit here forever with the claim that I cannot walk and then eventually lose any capability to do so. I am convinced that I will one day in the near future be able to walk 3 miles again with ease if I keep practicing. It may be 2 weeks from now or it may be 2 years, but I will achieve complete mobility again. I just have to take it one day at a time and celebrate any progress I make.


Celebrate your progress.

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