Day 60

18 3 0

Today started out with a yoga class for two hours with my aunt. When we got back she called my grandma just to check on her and she sounded extremely out of it. My aunt decided to go check on Nana and was confronted with complete craziness. 

Her husband has dementia and they were fighting with each other in a way that was extremely concerning so my aunt took my grandma, without shoes or anything else, and brought her back to the house. 

When she got here she went immediately to bed and slept for 3 hours and we went out for dinner. An hour after we returned, she woke up and didn't know where she was, couldn't remember names of people she knew, although she recognized me and my aunt, and eventually became unresponsive. 

When she stopped responding we called 911 which upset her enough to get her talking, but nothing she said made much sense. We kept my sister and cousin in another room so they wouldn't get upset and I volunteered to go in the ambulance with her to the ER to keep her calm because she seemed to want someone with her. I did my best to keep her calm all the way there, but she was confused and distressed. 

We eventually got placed in a room and she got more and more agitated, an improvement from comatose. We sat with her for 2 hours until they started running tests and she wanted us to leave. Eventually, we decided to go home because it would be awhile until we found out anything. 

Out of everyone my aunt is one of the least obligated to help my grandmother. It is her husband's mom and my mom's mom and is not hers to deal with except through marriage. My aunt is such a beautiful and wonderful person that she just dropped everything she was doing to go help. 

She took my grandma into her home and spent 3 hours with her in the hospital without complaint. She took responsibility in so many ways for no other reason than that she is a good person. Being a good person is not what you do when you are obligated to, but what you do from the kindness of your own heart. Her kind attitude never faltered. She was understanding of the rude and obscene way my grandma was acting when she was upset, and never, not even for one second, talked bad about her. She was the perfect example of how we all should be, kind, understanding and compassionate. I am so blessed to have her in my life.


Do what you can for others even when there is nothing they can do for you.

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