Day 79

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When we have time to ourselves we have the chance to feel our best and do what is best for our bodies, minds, and souls. When we do this we become someone that others want to be around and thus we attract more positivity into our lives. I advise everyone to have a day like I had today. It was a day committed to gratitude, learning, and feeling the best I can. I worked out for a total of 3 hours, read an entire book, laid in the warm January sun appreciating the first sunny day we've had in weeks, and I painted a picture in complete silence. I feel content and happy. My body is tired, my mind is tired, and that is how I wish to feel at the end of every day, so full of peace at the end of a productive day that I can fall asleep easily and wake the next day ready for whatever it has to offer.


Take a full day for your health.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~This is how I grieve. I keep myself so occupied I do not think of the things I have lost, but instead feel content with my life.

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