chapter 20

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I stare at Germans face and caress his fur and stare at the door in front of me. I could get up right now and just leave but if I leave now then that would be me leaving German. I need to advenge him.

I growl lightly and look o the side.


A red substance that is so red. It's the color of the carpet now. I can't seem to tear my eyes away from it. The color just calls out to me. I smile slightly.

Why am I smiling?

I can't seem to find the answer. I get up and push Germans body away and walk to the mirror in the room. I look at the floor looking for glass shards. I see blood here and there. When I see the table I look up.

I smile at my reflection. I start to laugh. I clutch my face and run my hands through my hair and scratch my skin. I smile a crooked smile and laugh crazily.

I think I've gone insane.

I smile at that thought

Who cares if I'm insane this is a great feeling!

I hear shuffling and look behind me there dark stares at me. When I turn around he backs up and says

"What happened to you!"

I just laugh at him

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