A personal message, from me to you

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When I️* was depressed, I️* had a journal. In this journal I️* would try to write everyday, just so that I'd have memories farther in the future.

This is one of the entries I️* made 2 years ago.

I was going through a really rough time. I was sad, depressed, angry, all of the above ALL the time. I constantly felt like everyone would be better off if I was dead. Some close friends would try to help me, they would say 'it'll get better' but to me it felt like it was getting worse and it would never get better. I felt like my family didn't love me, I felt like my guardian angel took a permanent break. You're probably like 'why the heck is she showing me this does she want attention' I'm showing you this because I want you to see how BROKEN I was and how I am today. Granted I'm not 100% okay today, but things did get better, even if it took almost two years. I never realized the difference until I sat down and read these. When I️ say 'things will get better' don't be discouraged because it seems like nothing has changed. It HAS, or it WILL, and just like me you won't notice until you look back. Hang in there, you got this. I️* believe in you, I️* care about you, and we will get through this long road to recovery together.

Side note- I️ don't know if my I's are showing up correctly, so if you see like a weird explanation mark and an unidentified box that's just because I️* have an iPhone Apple hasn't fixed this issue yet.

Suicide quotes.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum