Dear you

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Hi, it's me, your sunshine. I wanted to tell you, I've found this girl. She's beautiful and her eyes light up in such a way it makes my stomach turn into butterflies. And I'm sorry, because I thought you were the one, and I made you think you were too, but this girl..... she's my other half.

I know there's probably a tear running down your beautiful face, but dont be sad. You'll find a person that makes you feel like you're the luckiest gal in the world. You'll find someone who will mean so much to you that you wont even be able to describe it in words.

And I know you're probably thinking "You were it, you were the one." But trust me, you deserve so much better then me. Oh darling, don't be sad. I'm sorry I hurt you. You're still amazing, and beautiful. I hope you're okay,and I hope you find someone whose eyes light up every single time they look at you. I hope you find that person soon. Im sorry, again.

Goodbye, beautiful.

-your sunshine

(A/N)Someone came in mind, huh?

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