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Today was the first day. Of school, of realization.

She was in high school now. He wasn't. Still, even as she sat in her first class, even as the teacher droned on about the class syllabus and about how much fun they were going to have this year, all she could think of was him. Greyson.

All she could think of was seeing him on the bus after school.

While she was supposed to be doing icebreakers with the rest of the people in her third period class, she wondered what he looked like now. Had he changed at all? Had is dark brown roots begun to show up?

Would he still remember her?

There was a small part of her that wanted him to forget. She knew he probably didn't remember as much of her as she did of him. But if he forgot, she could recede back into her own little world. She wondered, after all she'd seen, if she'd want to.

During lunch, she sat with an acquaintance of an acquaintance.

"How do you like high school so far?" Olive asked while chewing her food.

Phoebe shrugged, barely touching her soggy school lunch sandwich.

And then--school was over. She waited patiently outside her bus. Her eyes scanned the people walking past her. All of the sudden, he was standing in front of her, facing the bus.

"Greyson," she whispered. She never realised how much she'd missed him. His hair was no longer white blonde, but a sort of red-pink. She smiled to herself. She longed to touch him, so she settled for just tugging on the hair peeking out of his bun.

"Greyson," she said again. This time, he turned around. When his sometimes blue, sometimes green eyes caught hers, when their gazes collided, her breath hitched. A smile tugged at his lips.

"Phoebe," he said, and she could immediately see the recognition on his face. He remembered me.

"Did you miss me?" She asked.

Greyson's smile widened, and he nodded once.

hope you enjoyed this longer-than-normal chapter as an apology for not updating in so long! thank you for the 130 reads, i realllly appreciate it!

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