Pronunciation Page/Other Giblets :P

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So a few things---many of you guys have asked how to pronounce certain words and names. I realized that this book would have many difficulties when it would come to pronunciation! I should have done this from the very start and added onto it as the story progressed, so I am sorry to be providing you guys with this so late (Sorry!)

As The Skabelse continues, I will be adding names and words on the list! If you come across a name or word that is not on here just shoot me a message and I will add it for you! So ladies and gents, without further ado (drum roll please.....just kidding):

Skabelse: Sk-al-blee-s

Rowan: Row-in

Bjorn: B-yorn

Aye: Eye

Caneo: Cane-e-oh

Hvitserk: Fit-serk

Olfriq: Ol-fr-ick

Ubbe: Oo-buh

Lucian: Lou-shin

Drekka: Dr-eck-uh

Venetian Forrest: Vuh-nee-shin

Kacper: Cas-per

Xenia: Zee-na

Also, I know the beginning is a wee bit slow and might be hard for some to get into, but if you give it a chance you will absolutely love it (hopefully lol). Also, it is very important to me and means the world if you vote and or comment (not because I want votes or comments to look like this book is popular or whatever but truthfully because it lets me know if you enjoy the story or not. I absolutely love when I get a comment letting me know your reaction or even helpful advice. It seriously makes my day!) 

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